Chapter 167: Michael (2)

Perseus POV

"You know this winged clown?!" Rowan asked

"No idea." I answered

It's partially honest since I only know the powers he possesses. But this isn't looking good, I want to just run away with Buddy in tow because I know what this guy can do, and it will not result in me winning if I have to fight against him, and that's just the powers I'm worrying about.

In their cult or whatever, rarely are people allowed to use magic, but those who have the philosophy of sinning to rid of every other sins and he's one of the guys in their organization that can use magic freely in order to eliminate everyone's so-called witchcraft. And if I'm sensing it right, this guy is a fucking 10-star mage as well.

"I don't know why you're trapping me in this, but I can escape here pretty easily if I want to."

"Then why are you still in it?" the winged guy asked

"I don't know, I feel kinda protected, cuz no one can attack me from the outside if I stay. These nobles are like parasites who would throw anyone to the wolves if they can save themselves."

"You're the fucking same." Rowan muttered under his breath

"Dude, whose side are you on?!"

"Not gonna deny it?"

"Well, at least I'm honest about my selfishness."

The winged guy ignored us and then made an announcement.

"My name is Phineas Malcolm Noblesse." he announced "I am here to deliver you all the message of God."

Man, leave God alone, he wants y'all to respect and worship him, but not to this degree. He still respects nonbelievers, y'all are like the more obnoxious version of the Spanish Inquisition.

"A prophecy was given. The world is going to be in great peril, humans' and demons' blood will be shed without any mercy," he said "But, we, the righteous, have been assigned to unite everyone under our rule. The world will only be at peace if we unite under the one true God."

I can then hear the murmurs amongst everybody before a couple of brave, but stupid nobles scream back at the guy.

"Fat chance."

"If your god is so great, why hasn't he appeared before us once?"

"Back off before our guards kill you!"

"Last chance before we launch our spells."

"You've disrupted an important event for such a stupid announcement!"

"Fuck off!"

Several more insults were given as the momentum build-up, but it was all bark, but no bite. Phineas or Finn, cuz I'm too lazy of saying the whole name, cuz it always reminds me of a particular guy with a triangular-shaped head.

Anyway, Finn looks like he's expecting all of this. He then raised his hand and I can sense hundreds of life forces heading in our direction. All of whom are of the 6-star level at the very least.

They're more powerful than the rumors, they're not supposed to have this kind of numbers with this level of caliber, and these are probably the expendable ones too since there are a lot more powerful figures who choose to not come and are saving the rest for them.

"Then, I shall conquer you all by force." Finn said, "We will then conquer the demons and unite us all under one flag."

The cult hates demons, they'll probably try to cause an extinction if they somehow manage to conquer the human race, shit, they'll eliminate a good portion of humans who don't have their preferred look.

But this is strange, I thought that they were like me and would just wait till the demons and humans clash and clean up right after, why now? Something happened, and a fucking prophecy? Word of God? Coming from a guy of his authority, something is up, and I don't like it at all.

It seems he plans on letting me and the heroes live, so I'm a bit relieved, but gosh dang it, I now have to fight all these guys, the yellow rose duo will probably head out and lead the guards to fight the oncoming attackers while Rowan and Reiner take on the strongest guy.

I'm probably expected to save the heroes by letting them escape through the shadows, but...I'm letting them stay here, just in case I get hurt, I'll let em heal me cuz they'll at least be good for that. Besides, y'all got my grandpa fired, so I need y'all to have fear instilled into your heads today to make up for it, he was pretty sad about it even though he didn't let it show.

I know some of you will say that the higher-ups are the ones that fired him, not the heroes, I know. But I'm gonna blame the heroes for not being good enough instead, cuz that's the type of guy I am.

"Well little bud, we had expected to fight today, but it seems a more annoying guy showed up, what should we do? Escape or fight, your choice."

He pointed to the exit and barked, but Reiner has taken up arms to try and fight the guy, Edward seems to roll up his sleeve and try to join in as well. I know that they're brave, but like come on, this guy is stronger than the knight in the desert which sliced through 9-star items like butter.

"I wanna escape, but if we don't, Edward might die, ugghh, why can't they just run for once? Nothing wrong with living a bit longer, come on little guy, we'll help protect these guys and go home."

I got out of the cage I'm in by submerging into the shadows and come out of the other side as most of the nobles are clearing out of the room leaving only the bravest and strongest ones inside while the rest go fight the weaker ones outside, I can already hear explosion sounds from the spells that everyone is casting on the outside.

And then there's the cliché strong person being hit so hard that they flew to the other side of the wall and created a crackling web, this person in question is Rolan who is now out cold from one hit. Frankly, impressive, cuz it seems that his speed surpasses the knight in the desert.