Chapter 217: Russo (3)

Perseus POV

"Hello sir." the organizer earlier got me to actually meet up with Russo

We then went to a tent that serve as the campaign's break room or whatever, we were brought to a table where I had a chance of a lifetime to personally talk with this guy one on one.

Even in the case that he figured out that he's been poisoned and finds the cure, he'll deteriorate enough to have his campaign movement slowed down, and for a guy who's advocating for war, the appearance of him being weak will definitely weaken his standing, no one wants a weak leader in the midst of war.

The council members are elected through 7 popularity voting, which means each politician has 7 chances, if they lose one, hope that they win the other, and amongst the 7, they will vote amongst themselves on who be their leading head, even then, all 7 are expected to lead the people in times of war, or at least has someone who can do that for them as their own right-hand men.

"Oh, a 6-star your age, that's impressive." Russo commented "Are you sure that you're not looking for anyone, I got a grandson who's around your age, he might be interested."

"Haha, unfortunately, I don't think I'm at an age where I'm looking for love just yet, I'm still figuring out what to do for my career."

"Hmm, I remember you from that play." he replied as he took a sip from his drink "My wife enjoyed your voice, as for me, I've read your reports, apparently, you joined the Zoris test for royal knights, did you not?"

"I did, Lloyd seems to have a great interest in finding me."

"Well, that's because you got the passing grade, which is abnormal for people your age, that Lloyd is also quite talented. You interest me, a lady of many talents."

"Well, in terms of talent, where you place me then, milord?"

A smile crept up in his face, it seems that he liked that title and was quite relishing it as he went for his drink.

"I don't know why you want to meet me, lass, but if this is why, I'll entertain you." he replied "If you really tried, I'll place you on the same pedestal as the current geniuses, Perseus Silver, Lloyd Tartian, the 4 future saints, but it looks like you're still deciding on whether you want to go in the entertainment business or the magic one."

"Thank you, I think I have my answer, I hope you do well on your campaign, milord."

I then left the tent knowing that I got the guy in a good mood, it's time for Persia to disappear again I guess...I'm gonna need my clothes back though. These feel quite breezy, I don't know how Maple can dress up like this all the time. After that day at Tehios, we got back to the village where I can look like myself again.

"It's still hard to believe that mom Maple is a goddess." Orion said as we got back

"I'm sure we would have told you that in the future, no?"

"You did, we just thought that it was a compliment."

"Then what did you think her job was?"

"A crazed follower who deluded herself into believing that she's the actual goddess, no offense." Orion answered with the other 2 in agreement

"Does the same apply to your birth mother?"

"For her, even more so, never seen a woman who's more shameless and prideful in all my life."

"Fair. When the tournament date arrives, I want you guys to survey the area then, if I lose, we'll have to steal what we want, which might directly interfere with the timeline, but if I get to the top 3 or negotiate with 3rd place as the 4th for the prize, we'll get away scot-free."

"Your first opponent is a hero, do you have any counter measures?" Asher asked "All the heroes will be on-site and their resonance range is more than enough to boost him to around 9-star level, and this is a 7-star hero, with him taking you seriously this time, you are going to have a really tough competition. Though he is the underdog this time, he has a very good chance."

"Don't worry, I'll handle it, I'll make sure you guys can relax and go home properly."

A couple days later, papers were going around my village that Russo has fallen ill and is in need of serious help with no healing magic working properly. It only worsened his condition and as days went by, his blood was tested to be poisonous with acidic qualities, meaning that it wasn't a coincidence.

'Persia' wasn't named as one of the suspects, but all of his close associates and kitchen staff were and are being closely interrogated. It would have been a dead giveaway if he had fallen ill on the first day, but it won't take long for people of this world to ask for the clothes they wore that day.

Usually, in my previous world, no such investigations will take place, but in this world of magic, sometimes murder victims leave magic traces on their murderer's clothing which can be used as a clue, and even if the alcohol will be washed away along with the poison, the parts where I dabbed the poison on should deteriorate a tiny bit for it to be called into question, and he was also in the kitchen several times as well, once as me and others while he was checking the produce.

"Hey, aren't you gonna say goodbye?" Lilith asked

"I'll see you again, so I won't. You should also go see Orion, he's our son after all."

"In the future, if I'm ever pregnant, I'm slapping the shit out of you."

"That's not very nice. If so, don't you think we should start usin-"

"No." she firmly denied

"Why not? It's to be extra-"

"No." she shook her head "It feels better the regular way "Besides, I'm a goddess, I know what to do."

"No wonder you're getting pregnant, well, see you at the tournament.