Chapter 220: Remember Me (3)

3rd Person POV

Rolan panicked and tapped his necklace, it got an enchantment that was personally enchanted by the people in the village of the golden sand when they visited. It was made to help him teleport away for some distance. He then lets out another roar of flames but with a snap of a finger, the flames stopped.

Perseus just smiled further as Rolan stood there in both awe and shock as the fire subsided. With another snap of a finger the arena shook violently, it shook beyond the barrier and nearby mages had to join in together to stop it from spreading further and endangering those nearby.

The ground cracked and broke apart, and the rocks started to form together into legions of large snakes which charged at Rolan who then put away his staff and used both arms to man his sword. He swung it at the snakes and destroyed them, only for them to form together again, and jumped him.

But it's hard as the ground was now uneven and shaking, and he no longer has a good form of balance.

"Must be hard for you, isn't it?" Perseus taunted him as more and more snakes formed around him and attacked Rolan "You practice relentlessly, but let me tell you something that all you people have in common, you practice is well-off environments, polished floors, in-between rest, drinks given to you after every time you demand it, but that doesn't work here...I'll torture you the bones."

Rolan was angry and charged up a larger but more reckless spell, and shot it in Perseus' direction, but a larger rock snake appeared and swallowed it along with him whole, the spell exploded inside the snake and hit himself along with it.

"Whew, that was close." Perseus said as he brushed dust off of his clothing "Nice try though. Man, I feel bad, here, I'll make you a deal."

A large beautiful tree then appeared in the middle of the arena, Perseus flapped his wings and approached a branch where all of a sudden, a red fruit grew and was plucked by Perseus. He head to Rolan who was lying on his stomach and looking at him with trembling eyes.

"Eat it." Perseus offered "It'll heal you and should give you temporary strength, you want a chance at beating me, right?"

"This...this is the devil's temptation, you've been corrupted by your own power..." Rolan muttered

"No, I'm still quite sane."

"I'm not trusting your words."

"Well, your choice, a bite is all it takes." Perseus said and left the apple there and made the tree disappear and start announcing to the audience "A bite for power or a humiliating loss, your choice. Well, what is your decision, I'm giving you a chance, anyone else would grovel under me and thank me for giving them a chance."

"Do it. Do it. Do it..." the crowd repeated over and over

The pressure then started to get to Rolan.

Ruka POV

Oh my me...shit, I can't believe I find this hot, maybe I am a sadist after all, and this guy...he's more sadistic than I thought. Sisters, I think I'm starting to get it now. He also got vampire-like fangs...shit, if he had come after me looking like that...


"I had a tingling feeling that you were thinking about something that I would find suspicious." Leilah said after pinching me

Crap, I forgot about her freaky nature, luckily she can't read minds. I can't let her know that I find her boyfriend fitting my type, this must be what Perseus calls 'simping'. My cheeks are incredibly flushed and it feels really warm, I must not let anyone know.

Oh, he's peer-pressuring Rolan to eat the so-called forbidden fruit, so sadistic, and that dreamy...evil smile...

Perseus, you have moved up the list.

"Wow, that is something." the chief smiled and then turned to me "Milady, have you ever heard of this phenomenon before? Embracing the demon side, that's something that I've never read in any record."

"That would be my power." Leilah chimed in and raised her hand "I believe that the Silvers and Ruka told you about my ability, right?"

Oh, she's covering up for him. Good job Aminu, ask her lots of questions, don't let her look in my direction, I don't want my bones broken.

Rolan POV

I'm helpless, it's humiliating. I'm...why is it so unfair? I worked so hard, I did everything and sacrificed everything in the hopes of surpassing the expectations everyone placed on me. I competed with my own relatives, some of who are much older than me, and came out on top, I went into the world of heroes and also became one.

And I lost... to HIM?!


It was supposed to be my underdog story, today was supposed to be my day, all these spells were powerful enough to fatally damage an 8-star, how, I have everything, I was supposed to win, and with just a snap of his fingers...

Perseus Silver, I'll pit you against Cain, I'm more than sure that you 2 will kill the other and be weakened to the point where I can take over. For now, I'll put up a fight, but I will one day take over, and I'll kill your family, or perhaps even better, I'll enslave them, you've made me like this.

I have to take a chance, I can't lose like this. We were already cast out of heaven, what worse can this do?

I grabbed that fruit and ate it, a sweet ambrosia-like taste filled my mouth, it was incredibly delicious, and I felt my power rise and the impurities within my body cleansed.

After that moment I felt normal again as if nothing happened, but I then felt this overwhelming feeling of guilt and shame rushing over me.

Phineas POV

Idiot! Didn't he go to the other side?! He should know what would have happened if one were to eat the forbidden fruit...

Spiritual death, when he dies, his soul will too, he will not even have a chance to go to hell, and even if reincarnation exists...he listened to the devil, you idiot, you're a hero, a being more holy than any other in this world, how could you...