Chapter 225: The Project(2)

3rd Person POV

"Amethyst, Perseus Silver is more special than the lord thinks." Roxa said on their way back to their residence "If we take his word for it, he is growing to be an individual power that can rival our lord, if he defects to us, there's no doubt in my mind that he can succeed as the demon lord."

"He doesn't have that kind of ambition." Amethyst replied "It is reported that he doesn't even want the chief position even if his village wants him to do it, the chief is also pushing him to be the successor and yet Perseus is fighting against it, we don't have to worry too much about that."

"Don't just disregard what I said, he is scary, the last time someone met the demon goddess, that man managed to get her blessing and become the undisputed demon lord." Amethyst stopped the rose in her tracks

The rose then teleport themselves to their residence instead of walking back and exploring the city as planned.

"Do you doubt your own goddess?" Amethyst asked

"No, never." Roxa replied shaking her head furiously "I assume she has a plan to slowly bring him to our side with her own personal method."

"Then hope and have faith that that's the case." Amethyst sighs " Lachlan wants to recruit him, and as for the human side, my brother and that 2 princes want him, but as long as their father still reigns as king, they simply can't match our offers, wealth, and possessions, they can, but not authority and freedom, Perseus desire freedom more than anything, and if he follows Lilith method of finishing her duties early, he's pretty much free to do whatever he likes for months."

"We need to come onto him stronger." Amethyst requested

"First of all, I have my husbands, and second, I thought that you're a lesbian." Amethyst seemed taken aback

"Not like that, I mean more aggressive offers." Roxa denied

"What more do we have? Let's just wait it out and see what happens or we can get my older brother to be involved."

Ruka POV

That was a nice conversation we had, I haven't talked to my sister in such a long time, so it was refreshing to catch up with my siblings, I sort of regret isolating myself in that cavern now, I wish to get out more even if it's just for 30 minutes.

"Perseus, what will you do next? You're revealing more and more about yourself than even your past self would deem more than necessary."

"Just intimidation, your mother hasn't given me any blessing, and neither did these 2, besides, I want to ensure my family's safety." She shrugged with a nonchalant expression "People will now stay away in hopes of not incurring the wrath of a goddess."

"You think too much." Leilah commented and got this grip on his forearm "By the way, why were you ogling Roxa earlier? Do you perhaps have a death wish?"

"I was only seeing whether she has the potential to serve my purpose." he denied "I have no wish of having any relations with her."

I then heard a short audible crack coming from his direction before Leilah soften her grip, a warning...that crack was a warning, can't believe that he's dating such a scary woman, isn't this a toxic relationship?

"Was your bone just broken?" Maple asked

"Yup, though don't worry, I'm also just as possessive." Perseus replied

"Since when were you the boss?" Lilith asked "You're more like our prized trophy."

"Oh, so I'm an objection of adoration now, great...woohoo."

"Was that the sound of regret?" both the twins asked

"No...not at all."

Please explode into confetti, not everyone here enjoys your fun alone time.


Perseus POV

I passed the second round easier than I thought, the guy came in with heavy defensive armor expecting that I fought with the same methods, but I used my speed and sly methods to slowly drain him and beat him in a long drawn out battle, the 3rd however seems a harder challenge, one of the oranges rose lord's aide and he is a 9-star mage who's a great all-rounder, a tough challenge.

Though as we get into the arena, I sensed a strange yet familiar power emitting from the guy, it's not ominous in anyway, but the glint in his eye sent me a signal, maybe a message, what does he want, it's weird.

This time around, the pope of the northern continent was brought forth to ring the bell.

"No trash talk?" I asked to be replied with silence

That's new, people always have a lot to say, and this is one of the best times to talk and get into someone's head. In the second round, the girl had a very foul mouth, I'd never thought that I'd hear such creative insults, if you're wondering what she said, there's a reason why we glossed over my fight with her, can't really listen to my narration without a censored bleep in the background.

The bell rang and the fight started, he didn't make a move so I did first by raining sharp icicle lances over his head and I made the spell appear above his head and home after him every time he moved. He created a thick umbrella-like barrier above his head and dashed at me, and he launched a powerful punch, I used my pal to grab and intercept it and I heard a small crack, my bones were broken.

It's weird though, I should be able to stop that attack with not much effort since it's just a starting move, we reserve our stamina to last the whole fight, he wouldn't be careless enough to try and end it that quick.

I got him into an armlock and used a dagger to stab the arm, but I heard a clang, I looked closer and through the exposed fabric...this guy got a fucking metal arm.

|Please don't make that reference.|

"Dude, you got a metal arm!? That's awe-"

|And we're sued.|