Chapter 229: Confession

Maple POV

"You've warmed up to me, the old you wouldn't sit next to me like this." Perseus said

"That's because you lessened your teasing, so I'm more comfortable." I replied and turned my face slightly away

"Then why are you looking away?"

"The one time where I wish you don't make eye contact, and you are, stick to your own trait for once." I pleaded

Why does he have to be good-looking as well? I conflicted, he belongs to 2 of my sisters, and if I give in...he'll win. That's why he was teasing me in the first place, to get my attention placed on him, to make himself memorable enough to not escape my head. The moment I first met him, I was trapped since then, he knew it too.

"Please turn away." I requested

"Well, I'll just leave then." he then got up but I stopped him by quickly grabbing his arm

"Don't leave, we need to talk a bit, it's why I'm here."

He stayed, but he no longer sat as he just laid down on the bed and draped his blanket over the fox, I then just laid down next to him since I might as well do so, we are now facing each other, and as soon as I start focusing on his eyes, we stayed with direct eye contact in silence for a while, but he was the first to break it as I saw him focus somewhere else around my face instead.

It was a small shift, but it's not hard to tell once you know him, and as a goddess, sometimes your vision is sharper than any other person's.

"Might as well stop trying and just turn away completely." I said to him

"So you've noticed." he smiled "What do you want to talk about?"

"Well, it's about our future, like us 2 specifically."

"Oh, alright, I'll be serious then."

Haaah, what made me get trapped? What made me want to get close to him? It's a strange feeling, my heart is beating so fast.

"I thought about our future daughter, Ivy." I said after steeling my nerves

"It's not guaranteed, don't need to force me on you if you don't really like me." he replied "If you want to reject me, go ahead, I'll give it a couple more tries and I'll give up."

"That's the problem, I don't hate you, if anything...I'm starting to feel something that would make Leilah angry."

"You like me? The selfish guy who already has 2 women by his side."

"Yes..." I said softly

He just smiled but didn't really say anything, I wish he did, his jokes usually help break the silence, I know his answer but I want to hear it. I felt a bit offended at first when I realized that he wanted me only for the fact that I'm a beautiful goddess, he wanted to date a goddess, but it seems he learned to like me as well.

Though he is a bit selfish, he can flirt with several women while his partners aren't expected to do the same, not that my sisters were really complaining, they got the man they wanted, the man who has experienced 2 lives.

"What do you want me to say?" He asked

"An answer to my confession."

"But you know the answer, though this doesn't mean we're dating or anything. So what about our daughter? I noticed that she's a shy and nervous wreck like you."

"I wanted to just talk about the future after all of this ends, I do want to retire from being a goddess and become mortal, I have barely done anything, and the continent needs a change, I also want to be there with my future children because I want to have them.

"Our oath was to not have children as gods, and I plan to keep my promise until the day of my marriage and if we're going to be closer, I just have one request, it's that kissing and handholding are fine, but I want to reserve other...physical and intimate moments until we're married."

"You do realize that people who are dating aren't guaranteed to end up married, right?" he asked

"If I decided to date someone, I will make sure to marry that person, so until we date, make sure to not make yourself look bad, I might accidentally like someone else."

With a small chuckle, he leaned in close, and with my eyes closed, I accepted my fate as he kissed me on the lips.

"You're not supposed to use your tongue." he laughed as he pulled away


I can already feel my face getting hot...why didn't he tell me?! But I think I saw Leilah do that...was I wrong?!

"You might want Leilah or Lilith to tell you later, I'm sleeping, you can also sleep here or do whatever since you don't get tired like me." he still laughed "We're not there yet, but you'll learn with practice."


Perseus POV

I woke up the next day pretty refreshed, I was just a tiny bit tired yesterday, I can see that Leilah has returned from her spying trip, and as soon as she saw me open my eyes, she put up 4 fingers, meaning that she found other 4 on this continent.

"That means that they got a lot more hiding on the demon continents, that's quite a lot."

She then leaned in to give me a quick kiss before her nose started sniffing me.

"I know, it's Maple."

"Did she kiss you? You taste of guilt." she said and now laid down next to me as well "Though this guilt seems to not originate from you."

"How do you even- I need to stop questioning how you arrive at your conclusions."

"And I don't know whether to be overjoyed or furious that my 2 most favorite people in the world have done something like this behind my back."

Please be overjoyed instead, but anyway, tonight should be my 4th match, this opponent should be my hardest opponent before Finn, this girl in front of me is a graduate from the northern continent's best academy and is the personal guard of their pope, I'm just gonna do what I always do, win.