Chapter 250: The God Of The North

*On the day of the tournament*

Perseus POV

For appearance's sake, I have to come to the finals even though I already know the result of who's going to win, everyone does, it's not that Phineas will have an easy fight by any means, it's just that well, Phineas is well, he has gotten used to his powers as a 10 star, he is using this tournament as a training exercise to learn more about himself as well.

Unlike any other day, the tournament organizers are giving us this luxury box seat, it's basically a private seating area in the arena that offers an exclusive viewing experience for VIPs . There is a one-way-looking glass or window that allows occupants to see the game or event while remaining somewhat isolated from the noise and distractions of the crowd.

This is great since we can now sit in silence, the chief is also joining us which was also great for Grandpa Laker who is on the same wavelength most of the time and they get along really well. Grandpa Laker, funnily enough, got approached by a duke who was one of the Zoris king's aides in an attempt to get him back after learning that he is now using his hero training methods for the fighters in our village.

Our village is stronger than ever as there are now more qualified and stronger teachers, they are realizing their mistake of firing him earlier.

But just as I was about to get into the private luxury room, Lilith pulled me aside.

"You're coming with me." she said

"I think Ruka and Leilah punished me enough."

"Don't worry, you can bring your fox along for insurance."

I then turned to see that Buddy is already sleeping in Vince's arms so I was alone, Lilith then smirked at Leilah who was held back by her 2 other sisters while Lilith whisked me away to another private luxury box seat, slightly smaller, still got the buffet and other things in there. If we want something to be refilled or are in need of some services, there are staff waiting outside.

So in this room, it was just me and Lilith, I can see that there are performances in the arena used to entertain the crowd, but I'm just waiting for the so-called punishment. I took my seat and Lilith just came to sit on my lap.

"So what is the punishment and why am I getting it?"

"I'm answering the latter first." she replied as she then laid down on her sides horizontally "For getting close to my mother, and to punish Leilah for forcing me to sleep."

"So it's mostly just to make Leilah envious?"

"Yes, but you still need some punishment, and the punishment is just that I'm going to use you for my own private enjoyment, I took my day off from watching this with the other demons just for this."

"Escaping your duties again, you're going to need time with them because I will kill most of them as they will get in my way."

"I'm an observer, I don't care, as long as you don't massacre the demons and just go after the top brass who are in your way, I'll do nothing. Just don't kill any civilians, if you kill one, I'll crack your thing down there in half, I'll then heal it and do it again if I find another one died."

"Why can't you all just be nice to me?"

"Are you heading to the north after this?"


"You might want to avoid my youngest brother, he's quite...well cold-hearted. He'll kill you without any hesitation if you piss him off."

"Ruka is just going to teleport us to the teleportation rune, I don't need to go through the northern continent again."

"Then I'll consider going with you, I can even tell Lachlan about you bringing me to the altar of the black rose."

"You're not going to tell him where, are you?"

"I'll just say that you're putting a blindfold on me so I won't know the directions."

"Why are you avoiding the god of the north?" I asked "And haven't you gone to the Northern Islands before? You can just teleport there?

She didn't want to go thinking that we'll have to pass through the northern continent on the way, we had no plans on going to the kingdom of Eriksen on the way, maybe on the way back to stop the experiments and projects that we can deem as cruel, but not counting those secret experimentations, it's a pretty nice kingdom, but a lot of snow, too much snow even for me.

Strange, she's much stronger than him, does she fear that she will be re-traumatized if they confront her previous bully? Or maybe she simply just wants to avoid her bully because she feels that it is not worth her time or energy to engage with someone who treated her poorly in the past.

I'm not gonna question it too much, but the god of the northern continent, among the 3 seasonal gods, he's among the top 2 and is sometimes described as stronger than Saber, I'll try not to make an enemy out of him then.

"Don't make that face." she said "I don't need pity if needed, I can fight him, I just rather not meet him, he's not as annoying as Cassius nor is he as short-fused as Saber, but he's cautious and more scarier, you'll also have a hard time provoking him."

"Trust me, if it comes down to it, I'll provoke him like nothing you have ever seen, with him shaken, it should ruin his thinking just a tad bit."

"Seriously, don't tempt me." she complained and sat up straight, though still sitting sideways with her arm around my neck

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, I haven't told you my punishment yet, have I? Well..." she then gave off a smirk "Don't get tempted, that's all."

And what proceeded was one of my more toughest moments in my life, I hate this woman.