Chapter 269: Faking A Death

Perseus POV

"That was a bit too quick for my liking." Lilith responded

"Well, with you on their side, the demon lord will think that I'm still somewhat vulnerable and have a connection with them, not just-"

"Yes, they plan on killing you after beating the heroes, you're going to be enemies either way. So if you were enemies earlier, his actions will become easier to observe instead of him just hiding behind a façade, so that will be beneficial for you. Just kill him and his close comrades, if you go after anyone else of my people, I'll be the one who kills you."

"Look, I like the demons, they treat me well, but-"

"But what? Just yes or no. A goddess, let me repeat, a beautiful goddess is offering herself to you and you're thinking of rejecting such an offer, what the hell is wrong with you?!" she exclaimed.

"Well, I said no earlier..."

"Then it doesn't make sense! We literally have a child together, I mean look at him over there, stupid perfect son, take responsibility for that!"

"Why are you acting like a child?! We don't have Orion yet, he came from the future, remember?"

"Then take responsibility early, it ain't that hard, I'll just live with you, and we can continue our relationship without me living a double life."


3rd Person POV

"So...the she possessed by the demon goddess by chance?" Mark asked Orion.


Orion was helping Mark and Terrence organize their things since they can't be put into any storage spells, and they were also trying to properly organize the different books and studies from the study room properly.

There was a lot of information, some that the people home haven't discovered yet, and that also include previously extinct animals that the sun and moon gods created. A lot of vital information that can't be found anywhere else.

The hard part is deciding between which books should be given to Mark and Terrence who can release the information to the public while some should be kept in the village of the Paradis Tree.

"Well, you're clearly her son, you share some similarities." Mark said

"Just because we both have tails and a few sharp teeth, it doesn't mean we're related, I don't know about you, but that sounds a bit racist."

"Aside from your physical similarities, Perseus also seems to just aim for every female member of that family, to which I now know that the demon goddess is related. So if she's one of his lovers, she must be related somehow and the only one I know is the demon goddess, so Lilith is either the goddess herself in disguise or possessed by the goddess."

"That's pretty close." Orion nodded in response, "But yes, she's my mother. Though I've only found out that she's a goddess recently."

"I see, so may I have a clue about the prophecy of the anti-magic cult?"

"Oh that, I know only a bit about it, but I can't say anything, I'm trying to be as discreet as possible."

"Are all of your siblings as strong as you?"

"Eh well, I can't say that either, because well, if you know how many fighters there are, you can determine whether the future is peaceful or not."

"Fair enough. But you're pretty talented, but I'd assume you'd be stronger since you're their child."

"I wasn't really born that talented, I mean, look at me and Dad, he's stronger than me despite being at a younger age, you just have to work hard. Though having a lot of money helps, you can get a lot of valuable resources."


Perseus POV

"So what are you 2 fighting about?" Leilah came in.

Lilith then told her about what she wanted and how I could reject such a one-sided offer, I tried to jump in and give my piece, but Lilith just used magic to shut my mouth, I tried shapeshifting into a golden retriever just so she would lift it off, she wouldn't use magic to forcefully shut a dog's mouth, right?

Well, she did. That demon, so I just transformed back, earned no sympathy whatsoever.

"Well, I don't see anything wrong with it." Leilah said after pondering on it for a while, "You might want to create a clone that resembles you in every way, gene-wise included. Perseus will then present the body to Lachlan for them to bury her in her homeland and with his acting.

"Plus his ability to make people do whatever he wants, he can make his act sound more convincing, he can make people cry by just telling them to."

Damn, if Lilith's home all the time, with how lovey-dovey my parents are, she's gonna be frustrated and demand a lot of things from me, I need to marry her fast, because I can't handle a goddess.

"Ok, what if you can stay with me, but you'll have to marry me in the process." I offered.

"Why would you-Ohh." she then realized "So you're really scared of me wringing you dry and now you want that oath to take effect, look, I understand a part of your fear, and I might do what you think I would do, but I will try my best to hold myself back."

"Leilah, with her home, you'll lose your monopoly."

"I already lost that a long time ago, the fox and your brother have it, so with her home, I'll regain that monopoly even if I have to share a portion of it."

Damn, she's got a good point.

"So I can't convince you otherwise now, can I? Alright, let's come up with the story and I'll just go with the flow."

"I'll start with the fake body." Lilith replied "The fake story can come after, Leilah come to help me please, you're more of an expert on corpses than I am."

I then went to help the others finalize our things here so our trip back can go smoothly, but the good news did come around, Maple cashed in one of my IOU dates.