Chapter 284: Fake (3)

Leilah POV

"So? Is there a way I can convince you to vacate from this war without the need of causing extinction to those with demon blood?"

"Depends." Isfrid replied.

So there's a solution? That's good, it's not as hopeless as I thought, my brother can be redeemed after all, but that's only because I'm here, he would never admit that it can be solved to the others, he can't appear weak.

As for my other brothers, well...sometimes I wish pride doesn't run in our family, because it's the cause of many problems and why they haven't been solved.

"Help me be worthy of my name again." he requested.

"Worthy of your name?"

"I believe that name has power, a name is tied to your worth. And only by changing my name, I can reflect on my own ever-evolving sense of self and personal growth. The more I values myself, the more I change my name to symbolize my progress and achievements.

"However, no matter how long I live, I have never fully believed that my value is worth my original name, if you can help me get past the death of my beloved, my children, and help me feel worthy of my own name, I shall back away from the war and will help convince some of my followers to step away."

"Well, there's only one person I know who've experienced a loss of his own sense of self, though I was the one that solved it for him, and it took years."

"You don't have years." he responded.

"So we'll use a guy who possesses the knowledge for unconventional methods."

"Hmm?" he then zooms in to see what's happening in this facility.

It looks just like a regular lab to me, but he then moved the scene to somewhere else in the same facility, and I can see many people being frozen in human statues with fearful expressions on their faces and some have their bodies seared and penetrated, probably the result of a super strong lightning bolt.

All of this is probably the result of the fox. I can see some live ones with their bodies still twitching on the floor as well, not a happy sight to see.

Some bodies got circular holes in them and in this document room, all the papers are burnt and a fire is still ongoing.

"Did you do this?" he asked


"You know that I saw another man with you the moment you arrived, right?"

"I do."

"You're lucky that it is not the time for me to directly intervene, because I would have definitely gone after the mastermind who probably is your white-haired boyfriend."

Well, Perseus better be good, he hasn't done his thing of messing with people's heads in a while, I really hope that he doesn't get rusty because we need to solve this quickly, if this takes a bit longer, he might just have to commission Zach and the children to do his work on the other continents before sending them back, and finally having us go to the other side.

Or we can solve those problems first and come back to Isfrid later, I'll just leave it up to Perseus, for now, I'll just finish my conversation with my little brother, and after that, I'll catch them in the act.


3rd Person POV

"Yes, she's real, you really didn't know?" Lachlan asked.

Amethyst and Roxa came back to the demon continents and dug up the file of Lilith's 'family' and despite it being hard to find, they eventually did and reported the incident to the demon lord, who didn't look surprised at all.

"Lilith's overprotective and secretive, her twin sister lived in hiding after Lilith took the general position." Lachlan said, "As for the other girl, I think I've sent her an official marriage proposal letter with my 4th son as the candidate since he apparently liked her performance, but I got no reply."

"So, are we to keep Lily's existence a secret, or should we at least tell it to the other generals, milord?" Roxa asked

"I'm surprised she didn't tell any of you, I was told about it when I was amongst you all, but if she didn't tell you, it means that she wants it to be a secret, and we should respect her wishes."

"What about the war taking place in the southern continent? What should we do, milord? This is a great chance to mingle amongst the chaos and weaken the group of heroes, especially the ones who strayed away from the group, they are in one of their more vulnerable moments, I advise we take advantage of this."

"We will." the demon lord replied, "That's why I'll be sending in a general to personally assassinate those who strayed from the group to build up their own reputation."

"Who will it be?"

"Rena, I'll send Rena and the orange rose."


Perseus POV

"Did I interrupt you or something?" Orion asked, "Your face is all red, and especially your lips."

"Don't worry, I've cleaned myself up many times over."

Buddy jumped into my arms and started to snuggle and uses his tail to put his scent on me, so I scratched his head as I listened to Orion's report of what happened, it was a success on their end.

Leilah returned a moment later with an annoyed expression, but she reported to me what happened on her end as well.

"We'll stop those projects, we'll work on the winter god a bit later. Since we got that god as a problem to solve, we're not gonna have time to explore the northern continent once again, but let's go to the east for now."

We already moved all the things from the other secret base to one of Lilith's other secret bases and we then teleported to the eastern continent where it didn't even take long for the narcissist to appear once again in a very aromatic manner.

"Man, change your perfume."

"You've brought this vile creature to my territory again, you never learn, do you?" Cassius asked.