Chapter 296: Insanity (2)

Perseus POV

As the sun set, cloaked in the darkness of the night, Asher and I gathered near the palace. We wore disguises using my illusionary skills to blend in with the palace staff, and each of us had a designated role to play.

We positioned ourselves strategically near the king's private chambers. I may have somehow obtained a copy of his schedule a couple of months back, I do it every couple of months or so as it changes for security reasons.

Just in case I need to assassinate him, you know. And so I knew that he would retire to his quarters after attending a lavish banquet. It was the perfect opportunity to strike.

Under the cover of darkness, we made our way to the grand chamber...I'll stop using fancy words for a moment, it's a fucking bedroom where the king resides with his wives, calling it a chamber sounds really weird.

The chamber was really closely guarded by elite soldiers and enchanted wards. Our first task was to bypass the formidable defenses that protected the king and his fancy chamber.

I created a diversion by conjuring illusions of a raging storm outside the castle walls. The guards should now have a bit of their hearing drowned out by the loud fake thunder, but the storm is there so suddenly there will make them think that they may be being attacked, so distracted by the sudden tempest, rushed to secure the castle's perimeter.

This was our chance.

I know I can just use the shadows, but Rowan probably got some defenses to alert them if I go through the shadows. And since the shadows are my preferred method of travel, they shouldn't suspect me.

I have pranked Rowan a couple of times by emerging up from his shadows to scare the hell out of him and I noticed that he got better at noticing me, though he's still far from doing it accurately, that means he has a defense system in place to track me if I travel through the shadows.

And with the books I got from the house on the moon, I can hide the power of the rose within me as well, Rowan didn't even know that I was serving him dinner.

Swiftly and silently, we sneaked into the castle, I was utilizing my knowledge of its hidden passages and secret tunnels. Navigating through the maze-like corridors, we finally reached the king's private quarters where we knew he would still be attended by a small group of loyal guards who stayed behind.

They didn't wake the king up, meaning that they believe that their comrade is going to successfully intercept the attack, unfortunately, they won't cuz they can't trace it back to me.

The fact that this kind of activity is what the project was trying to use my ability for pisses me off, but too late to regret what I've done now, I gotta do all the hard stuff so my children can live in peace.

Asher then threw up a bag of sleeping powder that went everywhere up in the air, rendering them unconscious. The powder is made from herbs in the Urgess' territory, with them in the spotlight of the most probable suspects, they'll leave themselves open to Zach's group.

We got into the king's chambers and I can see 3 super large beds, the one he was on got him and his official wives while the other 2 got his concubines, impressive. I'm gonna need a bed the same size as his too cuz it's not gonna fit everybody.

In the future, some of the kids might want to sleep with us as well, so I'm gonna need to renovate my other barely used house to have a bigger master bedroom.

Right, back to the kidnapping. Asher threw the powder into the room again and once we were sure it was ever in the air, with our masked donned, we got into the room.

My current disguise is as Rolan while I had Asher be one of his closer servants from his personal lavish home, I stole their shoes earlier in the day and with the same footprint as theirs and the same foot size...they'll be prime suspects.

Once we had the king securely restrained and clean of any tracing magic or any of his other items, we had to escape the castle grounds without alerting the remaining guards or setting off any magical alarms. It was a nerve-wracking race against time.

Carefully retracing our steps, we silently made our way back through the castle, blending into the shadows and avoiding detection. The adrenaline surged through our veins as we managed to slip out undetected, carrying the incapacitated king with us.

"This is kinda fun." Asher commented, "Would you approve if I want to join the spy unit of the watchers?"

"Go ahead."

I left traces behind linking them to the Urgess household and left no magical trace, no teleport, and no shadow travel. Once we left enough traces and reached a place where my magical traces won't be tracked, we teleported to one of my secret hiding spots where I tied him to a chair in a small room.

I tied him with some rope I had custom-made to tighten and cut into the skin once the person uses magic, I also made unmovable metal gauntlets on his hands to not allow finger movements...etc.

I then splashed him with cold water and watched him struggle for a bit before he calmed down and crudely asked for what I wanted from him. I then took off his blindfold and he saw my Rolan disguise and Asher in his disguise in the corner.

"Master, would you like to do this alone, sir?" Asher acted his part.

He had a thick mask on to muffle his voice so that the king can't differentiate Asher's voice being real or fake, but the eyes and hair being exposed should give enough of a clue.

As for me, I had my whole face exposed and I made my voice the exact same as Rolan's.

"Greetings, your majesty." I greeted with a sarcastic bow, "I just have some questions, I'll assure you that you'll make it back to your home safely."