Chapter 354: Abort Mission (2)

Perseus POV

Ruka saw that I wasn't doing well so she broke out of her restraints, and instead of using teleportation, she rushed over and planted a kiss on me.

"Oh my." Lust gasped, "Forbidden love between twins, this is...I did not expect that."

I was shocked as well, but the shock was enough for me to force us to sink into the shadows and reappear somewhere else in the facility, a break room I found on the way here. I stopped using my powers and our disguises dropped, and upon seeing my actual face, Ruka broke away.

"Don't you tell anyone about that." Ruka warned, "The bind still restricted magic, so I rushed to you and hoped that the shock might work and get us out faster. And that other face was easier to kiss."

Fair, even now, I can still not use magic, that bind is something, but the good news, is the fact that he didn't use it earlier means that it got a cooldown of sorts.

"Um, sure. But Leilah will still smell your scent on my lips."

"Damn it." she then just pulled me back in for another kiss and broke it off after a minute, "Alright, my lustful feelings are dying out. The reason that I did it again was because my sisters would've realized anyway, so I can't get any more dead."

"Okay, but I need to go back."

"What?! Why?"

"The voice recording, we need evidence to prove that they're trying to destroy the world, its timeline, and rebuild everything anew."

|I should use the word, anew, more often, but I keep forgetting that word, I used it in the previous chapter and only a couple other times in this novel. I also use 'then' too much, but it's the easiest for me to write with.|

"Right, I forgot about that." she muttered, "How'd you control your lust?"

"Simple, I let myself be consumed by wrath instead. And now there's a really strong voice in my head trying to get me to destroy the world and present it as a gift towards Lust."

"I don't hear anything."

"You reckon that I'm like Vince?"


"Maybe when I reincarnated, my soul left some remnant of regret and anger or something?"

"Leilah would have known."

"She didn't know about Vince, and Maple is also called the goddess of death sometimes, and she also detected nothing."

"Well, ask your so-called author."

"Author, help."


"Alright, first get off me, and we'll then think of a plan."

She did and brushed herself off before casting a weak undetectable barrier on the room.

I checked my phone and could see Lilith texting that she found Greed and whether we needed help or not. I replied saying that we got it handled for now and would be retreating soon.

"They're gonna try to search for us, so unless we escape fully, they're gonna find us, what are we going to do?" Ruka asked, "You're the main guy here."

"Simple, I'm a great talker, my powers worked on Lilith, so it won't take as much effort to ask them to confess, you just record the thing with the audio recorder Dawn gave you."

"What's stopping them from killing you on sight as soon as we get back?"

"Me? It's an us or we situation."

"Can't technically die if I'm not mortal, remember?"


"So we're just gonna go back and ask them to let you speak for a moment? Won't they detect you using the power?"

"It's better than nothing."

"What about our disguise?"

"I'll put it back on in a sec, I just need to rest."


"Hey there, Lust and Wrath," I greeted them with a half-grin, half-smirk. "You know, I was just thinking, we've had quite the dance recently, haven't we? We may have gotten off the wrong foot. I thought we might have a little chat before I escape once and for all."

I can feel it again, the memories resurfacing, the screams, my internal torment, everything, just being around them is driving me crazy, this is like some sort of mental torture.

I then just focused on my powers of persuasion and personal charm as Loki. It seems that they've noticed as well, but even Wrath found it amusing.

I approached them closer and closer while Ruka walked slowly in front of me, she got 2 audio recorders on. One in her back pocket and one in her hand out in front of her, I also got one in my back pocket, just in case.

"Ah, my dear honeys. You've returned. What brings you back to our little party?" Lust asked with a stupidly gorgeous giggle, "A chat, you say? How charming. What's on your mind, my dear?"

"Oh, you know, just thought we should catch up. I mean, we've been fighting like we're at a very aggressive Thanksgiving family gathering, and I thought, why not chat over some metaphorical cocktails? Because I'm deathly allergic to alcohol."

That's a lie, but giving out your weakness like that will make your opponents let their guard down and you look vulnerable.

"Your cowardice won't save you, mortal." Wrath declared as his hand was set ablaze.

"I've been dying to know more about your grand scheme. Like what's the endgame here? Other than, you know, resetting time and causing the end of the world as we know it."

"Is this being livestreamed?" Lust asked

"Of course not, my boss just wants audio confirmation of you doing what you actually want to do."

"A boss, huh? Is it a god?"

"Well yes, but he's quite a fickle god, and it's hard to tell you his name as he changes his name every 24 hours according to how much he values himself."

"I've never met a god like that before."

"Of course not ma'am, but let's get back to the confirmation. So...Lust, milady, how do seduction and desire lead to a utopian world? Are we just going to make everyone too preoccupied to fight each other?"

"Desire, my dear, is a potent force." she said while holding her hand out and I unconsciously went to her and kissed her hand, "It drives creativity, ambition, and even love. In our world, these passions will be transformed and refined into respect and mutual understanding."

I broke away from her seduction and went back behind Ruka, this is incredibly scary. I then turned to wrath.

"Anger, when directed properly, can be a catalyst for change. We'll steer it toward justice and the protection of the vulnerable." Wrath declared

"Quite ambitious."

"Of course, you need a great vision and sacrifices to change the world, mortal. So if it needs the end of the world to achieve perfection, I'm willing to do it."
