Chapter 362: Archer VS Televangelist

Lilith POV

Well, I'm back here again, I'm at the stupid mega-church...what a stupid name, but who am I to criticize? I ain't from here.

I went inside, and the sight was a spectacle of extravagance, with rows upon rows of plush seats, giant screens projecting images of prosperity, and an ornate altar adorned with gold and jewels. The air was filled with the sound of enthusiastic worshipers.

The place has been rearranged. Well, I did hear the worshippers talking about redecorations during the last time I was here, but this just looks way too lavish compared to before.

But something's weird about these followers...I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as I made my way through the crowd. Are they his more dedicated minions? Greed probably got them out and chased the regular attendants away since he sensed me coming. I am no longer suppressing my presence after all.

I was here yesterday and walked by here as a warning, he wouldn't want any civilians to die since he probably needs to feed on their greed or something. So at least he used my warning well.

"Welcome, welcome, my beloved worshippers! The blessings of wealth and success are upon us today!" he proclaimed with a mic in his hand as he started his sermon.

I went to sit in the empty row of seats as he started his stupid talk. It's quite annoying, but it'll tire him out, even if it's a little. As the sermon continued, Greed's voice resonated through the grand hall, filled with promises of wealth and success. 

His eyes were on me, and he recognized me. His keen perception couldn't ignore the fact that I had returned for a second time. He shifted his gaze towards me, his mental voice dripping with curiosity.

"You again," he addressed me directly, " You seem rather unfazed by my teachings."

"I've seen it all before, Greed. Your words hold no power over me."

It isn't wrong, I have seen and felt it before, Perseus can do it, it took him several tries, but it worked. Greed's power only exploits one thing, it's my greed, however, I rarely desire anything, I've lived far too long, the other sins might have been better enemies even if Greed isn't the weakest.

Perseus can sow chaos and discord, playing his deceptive games with a weird uncanny charm. Like Greed, he possessed a charisma that drew mortals and gods alike into his web of mischief. Unfortunately, I'm one of them. I have gained a resistance to it though, not completely, but being exposed to it helps.

"And yet, you return. Is it curiosity or something else that brings you here?" he asked

"Let's just say I'm keeping an eye on you, making sure you don't cross any lines you shouldn't."

"Crossing lines is what I do best. I'll continue to do so as long as there are those willing to follow," he replied with a smirk, and his voice was filled with arrogance

"That's why I'm here to fight you and end things once and for all." 

Greed's mental presence surged forward, a tidal wave of avarice and temptation.

"Believers, kill this woman, for her death shall bring you wealth and prosperity!" he shouted

His thoughts coiled around the minds of his worshipers, turning them into pawns. I summoned my bow and magical arrows also materialized into my hands. Greed, too, tapped into his dark magic, conjuring shadowy tendrils that snaked toward me.

Arrows of light and darkness clashed in mid-air as I launched my first strike, aiming for Greed himself. He deflected it with a flick of his hand, a wicked grin on his face.

The worshippers closed in, their desires turned into weapons. Some summoned illusions, trying to confuse me, while others hurled bursts of dark energy. I keep forgetting that despite them not having mana to be able to use magic, they have mutant abilities.

I dodged and countered, my arrows finding their marks, killing those who had fallen under Greed's spell. Mom did say that these gods have their own private loyal units that are better off killed.

Greed, seeing his followers falter, unleashed a torrent of golden flames, intending to engulf me. I responded by creating a shimmering barrier of pure energy, protecting myself from the searing inferno.

After he saw his worshippers not being of help, he teleported us away to a clearing where he laid out some magic traps. He drew upon his dark magic, creating a series of intricate traps that lay hidden beneath the forest floor. Runes and sigils glowed with an ominous light as he completed his preparations.

He triggered one of his concealed traps, causing the ground to shake violently beneath my feet. I leaped into the air, avoiding the collapsing earth and landing gracefully a few meters away.

Greed didn't give me a moment to recover. He unleashed a barrage of magical projectiles, each one seeking to ensnare me. I deflected them with my arrows and weaved through the air, refusing to be caught off guard.

With a wicked grin, Greed summoned a swirling vortex of darkness, its maw aiming to engulf me. With a powerful release, an arrow struck the heart of the vortex. The vortex then disappeared. 

But Greed had one last trick up his sleeve. He unleashed a blinding burst of golden light, temporarily blinding me. In that moment of vulnerability, Greed lunged at me, his hand reaching for my throat. It was a desperate move, a final attempt to regain control of the situation.

But I could sense it coming and I just aimed a very powerful arrow in his direction and it penetrated his hand. Greed's desperate lunge had been easily thwarted, but he wasn't about to give up. As his hand recoiled from the arrow's impact, he unleashed a wild surge of dark energy, creating a shockwave that sent me tumbling backward.

I hit the forest floor hard but managed to roll to my feet.

"You're persistent, Archer. But you can't defeat me." He sneered.

With that declaration, he conjured a storm of malevolent shadows that swirled around him, forming a protective barrier. I realized that he was attempting to buy himself time to recover and regroup.

I notched an arrow imbued with very powerful mana and it pierced the outer layer of Greed's shadowy shield, creating a ripple of light.

|Shadowy is a word, I initially tried shadow-y.|

"Nice try punk, but I'm gonna get serious now."