Chapter 387: Eternal Winter

Perseus POV

I'm listening in to Leilah's conversation, and not gonna lie, I want to slap the shit out of that guy. Like get it over with already, but I have to help, cuz he's going to be my brother-in-law.

The only thing that stopped him all this time was his rule of non-interference he agreed with the others, though...that would change if their capital was attacked or his future saint. it would threaten him, and that would allow him to directly interfere and eliminate the demons once and for all.

Lilith will interfere once he takes action, the others will join Isfrid's side, and war will break loose. The thought of a war between the gods is a chilling one. I can't help but imagine the devastation it would bring, I better end this war quickly.

If Isfrid and others decide to abandon their rule of non-interference and enter into this battle, the consequences would be catastrophic. The collateral damage alone would be beyond imagination. Mortals like me, caught in the crossfire, would stand no chance against the unleashed fury of gods.

"Isfrid, would you like some therapy session with your Mom? She got a license."

"You think my grief can be dealt with through therapy?" He sounded offended.

"I just think talking to her might help, Isfrid. She's family."

"Maybe... I'll think about it," he finally conceded, "But don't expect miracles. My pain runs deeper than words can reach."

|Relatable, college sucks lol.|

Author, back off. And readers, don't judge my tone, I'm just doing something that can help others and appease Leilah.

  "We know. It's just that we care about you, and we want to see you find some peace."

"Peace seems like a distant dream, something I lost a long time ago."

"I understand how hard this is for you. But maybe, just maybe, sharing your burden with someone who loves you can make it a little lighter."

"I've been carrying this pain for thousands of years. It's become a part of me. Besides, if she truly loved me, she wouldn't have left."

"She has problems of her own, but she's more than willing to help you heal."

""Heal? There's no healing from what happened."

"We're not suggesting that what happened can be undone, but perhaps, with support and understanding, you can find a way to carry that burden without letting it consume you."

Pride is gonna eat this guy alive despite him being stronger. If his mom can't help, I doubt I can...I have already made up my mind to kill him if needed.

Isfrid POV

Pride. That was the insidious force that had become my downfall. I had clung to it like a lifeline, believing that my strength lay in my ability to shoulder my pain alone. Yet, pride had only pushed those who cared away, reinforcing the walls that isolated me in my solitude.

But the truth was, I couldn't undo the past, no matter how much I wished otherwise. My family was gone, and no amount of vengeance or bitterness could change that fact. The burden of my grief had grown too heavy for me to bear alone, and perhaps, just perhaps, there was a glimmer of wisdom in their words.

But as I stood there, the weight of my pride still clinging to me like a second skin, I couldn't bring myself to fully embrace the idea. The burning desire for vengeance, for the extinction of demons, had become my singular purpose, my driving force. It was the only thing that kept me going, the only thing that made me feel alive in this eternal winter.

No, I couldn't let go of my pride, not now. It had been too long, and I had come too far. I had to see this through to the end, no matter the cost. The demons would pay for the pain they had caused me, even if it meant I would remain a prisoner of my own darkness. The idea of healing, of letting go, was a distant dream, one I couldn't afford to entertain.

I know that I can help, but I rather not. This world has abandoned me a long time ago.

As I gazed around the room, the realization hit me like a frigid blast of air. Everyone in this room, everyone who dared to offer me help and understanding, would become my enemies. Family included. They would try to pull me away from my purpose, to soften the edges of my vengeance, and I couldn't allow that.

The room seemed to grow colder as the weight of my decision bore down on me, and I knew that I was sealing my fate. I had chosen the path of what the mortals call a villain, one driven by unrelenting pride and a thirst for revenge that would consume everything in its path.

My family, once my closest allies, now stood as obstacles in my way, and I would have to treat them as such. Their attempts to lead me down a different path would be met with resistance, with a coldness that matched the eternal winter I embodied.

As I continued to stare at each person in the room, a sense of isolation washed over me, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret buried beneath the layers of anger and determination.

I had pushed everyone away, convinced that I alone could bear the weight of my grief and my quest for retribution. Now, I was truly alone, a god destined to walk a dark and lonely path. The world is either better with one race dead or me gone.

But I couldn't turn back now. Pride had become my shield and my weapon, and I would wield it with all the strength I could muster, even if it meant losing everything and everyone I had once held dear. The die was cast, and I was the god of my own downfall.

Lilith POV

I felt a cold surge of hostility directed at me. I turned to see Isfrid's eyes, his gaze held the same disdain he had once directed at me, a discrimination that cut deep. I knew those eyes, and I was prepared to eliminate the threat he posed before his pride and vengeance could consume us all.