Chapter 391: Eternal Winter (5)

Perseus POV

"That was very courageous of you." Ruka commented as I was planting magic traps around the Paradis tree.

"What's courageous?"

"Proposing to Leilah." she answered, "You're quite confident that I won't make you 2 break up."

"That's because you're more likely to ask me out than the other way round."

"Is that so?"

"Obviously, you proposed the bet, you're getting desperate, you're scared of me moving on, you're scared of being left behind. First, you put me low on your internal list since you know that I was into you, but...Maple joined in, and your mom too, your ego can't handle that. You can't handle not being number one, you proposed the competition to make me try and learn more about you."

"I'm curious, go on." she insisted after my slight pause.

"As I said, you proposed this competition to make me try and learn more about you, to make me realize that there's no one else who can understand me the way you do. You're afraid that I might just walk away if you don't give me a reason to stay."

You think you've got me all figured out, don't you?" She leaned in closer, her eyes locking onto mine. "Well, you might be right. But that doesn't mean I'm going to make it easy for you."

"Easy? That's not what I'm after," I replied, "I enjoy a good challenge, and you, have always been a puzzle worth solving."

"And I suppose you think you've solved me completely?"

"You'll see."


Me and Dawn now went to meet up with Isfrid in an attempt to solve his self-valuing thing where he changes his name everyday.

When I saw him, he was quite shaken up, his normally resolute countenance replaced by a shattered expression. His once-unyielding posture was now slouched, his eyes vacant and haunted. It was as if he had been unceremoniously thrust back into the abyss of his traumatic past.

As the god's eyes met mine, I could see the turmoil within him, the torment of the memories that he relived several times over. But when he turned to look at his mother, who had quietly entered the room, a different emotion stirred within him. 

Dawn reached out and gently placed a hand on his shoulder, a silent gesture of love and support. I'll be honest, I sensed some hostility from that guy, it's hard for me to trust him, but I can't kill him as I need him to fight the invasion that can happen at any time.

By shaking him up, by forcing him to relive those haunting memories, I hoped to make him see the futility of his quest. I wanted him to understand that his relentless pursuit of vengeance would only lead to more suffering, not just for himself but for those around him.

Yet, if he remained obsessed and unable to help himself after our session if he continued down the path he had chosen, I couldn't ignore the ominous and hostile undercurrent of our relationship. The god's pride had become an impenetrable fortress, and any attempt to chip away at it was met with hostility and resentment.

I had witnessed the depths of his anger and determination as I could see the dream he had, and I knew that my actions had not gone unnoticed. If he couldn't find a way to release the grip of his relentless vengeance, the shadows of his wrath would extend far beyond his own torment.

As I watched him and his mother, I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. I had taken a risk, and the consequences of my actions were still uncertain. And I knew that our relationship had entered a precarious and unpredictable phase, one that could either lead to redemption or plunge us all deeper into the abyss.

"What's your name for today?"

"Erik," he answered

"Alright, let's start as there is no other need for other introductions and any talk about patient confidentiality, let's get straight to the point. I've noticed this unique habit of yours. You change your name every day based on how you value yourself. Care to tell me more about that?"

"It's a way for me to remind myself of my place in the world, of my worth."

"And how does it work exactly? Can you give me an example?"

"Of course. When I feel particularly low or burdened by my grief, I might adopt a name like 'Frost' to reflect my icy demeanor. On days when I'm feeling more self-assured, I'll choose a name like 'Unyielding.'"

I pity anyone whose name is Unyielding. But I'm not the one to judge. At least he's cooperative.

"I see, so it's like a daily affirmation, a way to project your self-worth to the world?"

"And what's the purpose of that facade, Erik? Why not just be yourself, with all your vulnerabilities?"

"Being myself has brought me pain and suffering." he answered bluntly

"I appreciate your concern, but you don't understand the depths of my pain. It's a darkness that engulfs everything it touches, and I can't bear the thought of anyone else sharing in it."

Bro sounds like some sort of anime villain, 'darkness that engulfs everything...', I'm a terrible therapist, I shouldn't be judging.

"Pain shared is pain halved. You have people who care about you, and who want to help. It might not lighten your burden entirely, but it could make it more bearable. Talk more with your siblings and now that Dawn's here, talk with her."

"I've walked this path for millennia, and I've come to accept that it's mine to bear. No one can change that."

"I hear you, Erik, but what if there's a chance for something more than the relentless pursuit of vengeance? What if there's a chance for healing, for a life beyond this icy fortress you've built around yourself?"

"Healing... it's a distant dream, one I can't afford to entertain. My goal is clear, and nothing will deter me from it. You see, I've grown accustomed to this world of eternal winter. The cold, the isolation, it's become a part of me."

"Isn't it lonely?" Dawn asked

"Perhaps," he nodded, "But it's a loneliness I've embraced. It's the price I pay for my determination, my desire for retribution. In this world of unyielding frost, I find a strange comfort."