Chapter 397: Strength (2)

Perseus POV

Oh my me, that was amazing the sword was amazing and I am amazing, I've never used so many amazing in one sentence, but being a protagonist sure is am- awesome! Jonathan is overpowered.

"Why are you not killing me?" Finn asked

"Cuz I'm just here to put on a show."

"The strongest individual after the demon lord, they truly didn't give you that title for nothing."

"Can't you, like, I don't know, shorten the title or something? Call me Perseus the paragon or something."

"You are the last person in the world who would earn the tile of paragon."

3rd Person POV

Perseus then suddenly found himself surrounded by the heroes. They had charged in quickly, seizing the opportunity to strike while he was momentarily distracted. With remarkable speed and coordination, the heroes lunged at Perseus from all sides.

Their intent was clear, it was to overpower Perseus and neutralize the threat he posed.

Recognizing the danger, Buddy who was nearby summoned a powerful blast of fire and shot it at one of the heroes which blew them far away.

Perseus brought his sword down in an arc, sending a shockwave of thunderous power outward to repel the oncoming heroes. The desert sand trembled beneath them as the force of his counterattack sent them reeling backward.

Buddy saw the opportunity and summoned an onslaught of thunderous lightning bolts, blasted the heroes, and incinerated the spot where they'd fallen.

However, the heroes were resilient and determined. They swiftly regrouped, with some creating protective barriers while others unleashed their powerful magic. They closed the distance once more, this time more cautiously, and with better coordination.

Perseus and Buddy found themselves in a whirlwind of chaos, parrying blows, evading attacks, and struggling to maintain their footing. Their thunderous might clashed with the heroes' varied abilities, creating a spectacular spectacle of magical forces.

Perseus' sword crackled with raw energy once again, each swing sending shockwaves through the sands as he defended them from the heroes. Bolts of lightning shot out from his weapon, creating arcs of thunderous power that arced across the battlefield, forcing the heroes to keep their distance.

Buddy conjured massive spells, sending torrents of fire, ice, and lightning to disrupt the heroes' advances. The desert air was alive with the elemental chaos the fox wielded, pushing the heroes back with each powerful spell.

Perseus' skills with his thunderous sword and Buddy's mastery over magic were their greatest assets. Together, they formed a formidable duo, a force to be reckoned with in the face of the heroes' assault.

"Guys, y'all might want to send all of y'all of ya want a chance, this few is nothing." Perseus taunted as his blade charged hot light.

With his sword raised, the sword became a large pillar of light, and once Perseus brought it down, he cut everything before him in half, the heroes escaped the attack in time, but Perseus also pulled back.

He can't kill any of them, he needs them to weaken each other, Perseus can't take the demon lord head-on as the king of all demons has powers almost akin to that of a god.

He needed the heroes to weaken the Demon Lord. Only by exploiting the heroes' courage, their so-called noble intentions.

The existence of the demon lord had grown too great, and Perseus' ambition could no longer be achieved without them eliminating each other. His intentions were not just by any means, and as much as he wanted to just defeat them, he understood the importance of keeping the heroes alive.

Since the heroes didn't back down, he had to knock them out.

"Buddy, handle their army, I got these lot." he ordered

He parried their attacks with precision, avoiding delivering fatal blows, and instead, he aimed to weaken them just enough. He knew that by allowing them to retain their strength, they would pose a greater threat to the Demon Lord.

Once he saw the opportunity, he knocked them out and teleported them away before turning back and seeing that Phineas had fled from the scene. buddy went to lick and sniff the bloody sand that was left behind, but Perseus then stopped him

"No need to go after him boy, we've done enough." Perseus said, "Blast their base over there a bit though, this should delay their invasion just a tiny bit longer."


Perseus POV

I'm at home now after that fight, the heroes were quicker than expected, and they managed to injure me quite a bit. My regeneration and healing magic barely did anything, it was incredibly slow.

Since I have people already doing everything, I'm now going to spend time fidgeting with the time gauntlet, when my children came here on my future self's instruction, I would have instructed them on how to use it properly, which means I need to master this somewhat so that they can't mess up.

All of this means that I would also be messing with time, since to master this thing, I would need to use it a couple more times.

"What are you doing?" Maple asked and then looked at my hands, "You're not missing our children, are you?"

"Just trying to see what powers made up this thing. Time travel became possible when all the time gods' powers combined and created this thing, there ain't no way God doesn't know what made up this thing. 

"But it's also more probable that he only knows about a quarter to half of the information, still, since Cain is smart enough...there's a chance that he can make do with that and make this self explode or something, we need this in the future. The things that helped us till now...the information...we got it from our future children, and with this, we sought help from my alternate self."

"That's a bit of a stretch." Maple commented, "But I can see why, so...what are you going to use it for?"

"I don't know, but...I just think that if possible, I kind of wanted to see who were my parents, you know, before they died."

"Won't you be tempted to change the past?"

"I will...but I should know better."