Chapter 437: Alban

Edward POV

As I stood on the balcony overlooking my vast kingdom, my thoughts weighed heavy on my conscience. The war had taken a toll on everyone, but it was the recent events that haunted my every waking moment. My people had kidnapped the grandparents of someone who had become somewhat of a strange friend to me, and their desperate act of defiance had left me grappling with the harsh realities of power.

They chose a path of defiance, of taking control over their fate. The fortress echoed with their final act of rebellion as they possessed a powerful bomb, self-destructing in a blaze of glory, and with it, they departed from this world on their terms. It was a spectacle of defiance against the chains of captivity, a grand exit that spoke volumes about their spirit.

The news was devastating, Perseus was someone who I could trust as he was a person who had a clear goal and is very transparent with what he wants, I may not be able to agree with him all the time, but he's more reliant than the heroes. However, that relationship has been severed the moment his grandparents died.

The only reasons why the heroes are raking in money are due to the investments and the possibility of them being married into noble and royal families, their equipment is not cheap, and their spending... is also not cheap...I had started to regret joining their party and vouching for them at some point.

Only a few among the heroes have actual goals and plans to save us, the others just enjoy the privilege and extravagance that comes with the status, it's infuriating to watch. Time had been so stressful lately that I retreated to Tartia, I wanted a small relaxation away from the war.

I find myself standing by the balcony, overlooking the sprawling kingdom that stretches beyond my sight. The night is silent as if the very air holds its breath in anticipation

With a heavy heart, I retreated to my room, seeking solace in solitude. The grandeur of the room feels hollow as I close the door behind me. The tapestries on the walls whisper stories of battles long past, and the bed, adorned with regal linens, offers no comfort.

As I approach the window, I notice a silhouette framed against the moonlit night. There, perched on the edge...maybe my time has become a representative on that also to be registering yourself for death. Our eyes meet, and for a moment, time stands still.

In the quiet understanding that passes between us, or at least...that's what I think.

"Hey mate." he greeted

"Has my time finished?"

"Unfortunately so, I have to end things quick." Perseus said with a slightly sad tone,

"Everything is moving too fast, and even I can't follow along quickly enough. I'm doing a lot of things...and killing you now...well, it'll take the demons' attention away from my village a bit, giving me time to infiltrate them."

"Well, that'll work out for us...I tried to keep Lloyd from being involved in all of this, sorry that it didn't work, killing someone from your own village is going to be difficult, even for you."

"Since you've been a great guy, I'll grant you a request outside of you choosing a preferred method to die." Perseus offered

"Just keep my children safe, they're quite old, and my wife already made up her to care for them if I didn't make it, but please help her whenever you can."

"You trust me that much?"

"Yes, ever since I saw you in that library, I've tried my best to bring you over, however, my father and his aides thought differently...and it seems that I'll have to pay the price for their incompetence."

"Sure, so how would you like to be killed?" he asked and approached me

I'm not going to resist or call for help, causing a commotion will only result in other people dying, so I just stood and told him my request.

"Use magic to sever my brain's connection to the rest of my body, it's painless and...I should still have a body for my family to bury."

"Will do."

With his hands on my shoulder, he looked at me and the world then went black.


Perseus POV

I'm now heading to the demon continents and to the demon lord's castle, they have certain flowers and herbs that are useful for the vessel to be brittle enough to contain the sentient powers.

I saw the castle, and let's just say, it's fucking amazing. There were intricate carvings across the archways, tapestry everywhere, and super tall spires. I disguised as one of the servants and walked into the gardens.

The courtyard had beautifully arranged blossoming flowers. Statues and fountains adorned the landscape, their elegance adding to the overall spectacle. As I walked along the cobbled path, the scent of blooming roses and the soft murmur of distant fountains enveloped me, creating an atmosphere of enchantment.

The entrance, framed by towering arches and adorned with intricate carvings, beckoned with an air of regal welcome. Massive wooden doors, embellished with symbols of royalty. Once inside, the grandeur only intensified. The hallways echoed due to how large it was, the polished marble floors, the chandeliers...

As I approach the entrance to the greenhouse, the air shifts with a heady mix of unearthly fragrances. There were strange and exotic flowers, their hues more vibrant than any flowers I've seen. The herbs, nestled among the blooming flowers, exude an intoxicating aroma, a blend of earthly sweetness. Their leaves glisten with a faint glow.

But as I was about to escape...

"Woah there." a voice said

I turned and saw Alban, the white rose, standing at the exit of the greenhouse, alone.

"Well, this is unexpected."

"Did you seriously think that you could get in here and go undetected?" he asked, "Your disguise is impeccable though."

"So...are you gonna let me go?"

"And here I thought that you'll take a break after the death of your grandparents."

"Damn news travel fast."