Chapter 446: Temporary God (3)

Buddy POV

"Hey, bud, long time no see." the familiar voice greeted

I looked up and saw him, this was him before transforming and becoming the demon lord. A person who looks to be in his late 30s, with dark skin, curly black hair with dark blue eyes. Is this real?

"You must be wondering whether this is real, right?" he spoke, "Well, technically it is. shouldn't be here yet."

I looked down on myself and could see that my body was transparent and sort of faded, his body was solid, and so was the surroundings. Our surroundings were that of a tavern that we used to come to often. But with no one in sight.

"If you want to make it lively, I can, after all, this is my heaven." he grinned, "Though the staff and the patrons are nothing more than fakes."


Wait...did I just speak...?

"Yup, you can speak like me here." he chuckled, "Anyway, this kind of heaven was so hard to achieve, I had to do my time in hell, I only received this about a couple of days ago. Even then, those stupid guys still require me to check in yearly for my mental state."

"Why...why don't you reincarnate?"

"Why not?" he shrugged, "You waited for me and now I'm waiting for you, but I'd rather you not hurry up, I would hate to learn that my best friend in the world would kill himself for me."

"I...why are you here?" I asked as I could barely form any sentences.

"Why am I here? I should be asking you that, what are you doing that would require you to be half-dead? I was barely briefed on your situation and other information is being kept away as my punishment."

"I...I haven't seen you in so long."

"I know... It's been an eternity, hasn't it?"

"Why did you leave? I thought you abandoned me. Why did you not take me with you?"

"No, never. I had to protect you, keep you safe from the chaos that followed."

"But I missed you, wondered where you went."

"You're better off not knowing where I went and what I did." he said while ruffling my head, "I was a bad person, the demons I chose to affiliate with were not trustworthy...though, yes, I prevented the extinction of demons...but I should have gone for peaceful coexistence instead of starting all of this."

"Still, you should have taken me with you!"

"Nah, I wouldn't want you to go through all of seems that you've been set free, so I'll leave my duties for him since you're not complaining about him at all, he must be worth it, huh?"

"He is...sometimes, he's just like you. Though he's more possessive than you and let me sleep with him. He's sort of like a cat,'s probably because his parents used a book on how to raise a cat in order to raise him."

"Aren't you also the possessive type? You wouldn't even let me pet a cat."

"Well, you already got me, why would you want to pet another animal?"

"You're just as cute as ever."

"I am cute, but stop teasing me."

"Do you still get jealous?"

"Shut up! Hmph!"


Perseus POV

I had to leave Buddy with Dawn and the others to monitor his condition while I headed to our private bunker for rest, it's going to take a while, and having me worried all the time isn't a good thing.

Rosa decided to stay in the village's bunker again, but I called her to at least join us for dinner, which she accepted and made my parents happy. My heart wasn't really in it, I have faith in Buddy going past all of this okay...but do I have to see all of this again when he turns back...and if that is what going to happen again...what would happen if the goddesses and the roses...

Our dinner was good and Rosa helped inform me on some stuff that's going on in the demon continent, how the rebellion of the orange rose is giving them problems. And despite the slowing of the help from the demons, the cults are now winning in their fight against the heroes.

It's probably because of the surviving deadly sins since they never agreed to any oath of staying away from mortal affairs. I'm hoping that Phineas' ideals will clash with Cain's somehow and that strain will help break them apart internally.

After washing the dishes and having some fruit for dessert, Rosa went back to the village's bunker. My parents decided to have me and Vince sleep with them and it was really cramped. The girls weren't even here, so I offered my bedroom, but they rejected that notion.


"Mom, it's already morning, let me go do my work."

"No, it's my house, my rules." Mom Rylee said while holding me tighter and tighter the more I resisted, "And today, I say that you'll have to sleep in here with us."


"Nope, I have the right to hug you and hold you for as long as I want."

"But I don't like it."

"Your girlfriends do it, why can't I?"

"That's because I'm dating several of them while they're allowed to only date one of me, I have to pay them back with the minimum boyfriend requirement to keep a healthy harem relationship."

"Then you can accept your mother's warm hugs."

"But I need to work out."

"You already got muscles and they're not going away any time soon." she pouted, "Nyra, help me, this boy is rejecting my hugs."

Vince woke up after that and escaped the bed while my mothers just kept me in bed.

"Oi, help me out."

"Hmm?" Vince responded while yawning, "You're the older one, you should know how to break out of this yourself."

"What does being older have to do with anything, you rat."

"Hey, he's your younger brother, be a better role model." mom Nyra scolded and hit me lightly on the head

"Damn you guys."