Chapter 454: Never

Perseus POV

Just to set the record straight, nobody's pregnant. Not Lilith, not anyone else in this story. It was all just a bit of playful banter, a light-hearted moment in the midst of an otherwise serious situation. 

Jerah's too uptight and overprotective, I was just trying to see how their reaction would be when I break it to them in the future. 

And before he freaks out and annoys me further, I had Dawn cast the barrier and isolate me and Lucifer, Satan is definitely strong, but Lucifer's ability over light is too broken if his power is awakened, chasing after him would be like hell, and I don't want that.

"You're so annoying, you know that?" Lucifer spoke up after a while as the barrier was moved over an empty area.

I was placed in the barrier spell. The barrier was this cube-like room, probably the size of a mall.

"So, what, are we going to do this like the flash?" Lucifer asked

"Funnily enough, isn't Lucifer also a comic book character?"

"So, what, are we going to do this like the Flash?" he asked with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"Funnily enough, isn't Lucifer also a comic book character?" I retorted, a wry smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

"Don't lump me in with them, all the Flash do is run, look at the plots, the first couple of seasons were fine, and then, it's just about how he's still not fast enough. It's like a broken record of sprinting and whining."

With a shimmer of light, our forms seemed to blur, particles scattering into radiant energy that shot through the space. The air crackled as we raced, streaks of light darting through the expanse, a cosmic chase amidst the confines of the barrier. The energy around us surged with our movements, pulsating with the sheer velocity of our race.

"Come on, Lucifer, you know you can't outrun me," I called out, "It's not like you have a lot of energy either, you're starving after not eating, so even if you can keep going for a while, it won't be long."

"Tsk." he clocked his tongue

3rd Person POv

"This does look like a scene from The Flash." Maple commented that she had watched the show before due to Vince wanting to watch it when they got a TV.

"Are both Leilah and Lilith pregnant?" Jerah still questions Perseus' ambiguous answers

" least, I don't think so."

Energy surged forth as they raced, streaks of light pulsating with intensity as they darted through the confines of the barrier. The pursuit continued, a spectacle within the enclosure, as the two figures streaked through the barrier.

Lucifer was definitely faster, but Perseus was stronger, and the cast temporarily slowed down Lucifer's pace, the slowing effect wasn't significant, but it was enough to narrow the gap between them.

Lucifer's movements became erratic as Perseus' spells disrupted his fluid pace. With swift maneuvers, he countered, unleashing bursts of radiant energy that surged toward Perseus, who thought that he could take it on due to his immunity to light so far, but it didn't work as the blast stopped him in his track and blew him back a bit.

Lucifer then rained down light arrows at Perseus' location, who dodged them all brilliantly. Lucifer's attacks intensified, his maneuvers becoming more calculated as he sought to outmaneuver and overpower our protagonist. But as the protagonist, Perseus was resilient and strategic and he responded with a blend of defensive maneuvers and calculated strikes to counter the attacks.

Knowing that he wasn't immune to Lucifer's attack, Perseus was more careful and more defensive, but he was prepared for a situation like this as Lucifer, despite his prowess, began to show signs of strain. His movements, once fluid and commanding, faltered, the brilliance of his attacks diminishing gradually.

Sensing an opportunity, Perseus pressed the advantage as he saw Lucifer's movements slowed, the radiant aura around him visibly flickering erratically as Perseus was engaging I'm in close combat. They both proceeded to fight in the village's dance style, and they were on equal grounds for what looked like a couple of seconds to everyone else.

"Know that, there are so many fighting techniques to overpower our village's style." Perseus sneered, "And...after this, I'll be sure to make it better."

Exhaustion crept into Lucifer's expression as his vessel, unable to contain and harness vast amounts of energy for extended periods, began to falter, there were cracks, but he used his light powers to fill it in and keep it together.

"Surrender, Lucifer. Yield." Perseus demanded

Lucifer, despite his exhaustion, straightened a defiant glint in his eyes"

"I won't yield," he retorted, his voice strained but resolute, "I never yield."

"You can't keep this up. Yield."

Lucifer, despite his weakening state, countered with bursts of dazzling light, each strike aiming to fend off Perseus' advances. His movements were slower, the strains on his vessel evident, yet his resolve remained unshakable.

Each of Perseus' strikes was calculated to weaken Lucifer's defenses without causing permanent damage. But Lucifer, drawing upon the last reserves of his waning energy, countered with bursts of radiant power, deflecting and parrying the attacks with an unyielding determination.

"If you value your life, yield. There's no need for this to end in the destruction of your life along with the vessel." Perseus urged

"I won't yield," he retorted, each word strained but unyielding, his pride and resolve unshaken despite the fractures threatening to consume him.

"You just want my power!"

"And?" Perseus shrugged as he pummeled Lucifer to the ground, "Your job is to become a part of me and make me stronger, that was your only purpose."

"And what if I don't want to?"

"I wasn't asking."

With a surge of concentrated energy, Perseus extended his hand toward Lucifer, his intention clear. The cracks within Lucifer's form widened as the energy began to be absorbed painfully, seeking to absorb and integrate his weakened essence no matter the cost.

"Yield, and it'll be less painful for you." Perseus said again
