Chapter 456: Never (3)

|Author: I passed, yes! I passed my exams!|

3rd Person POV

Clones of Perseus flew in the air and charged at the pair of Satan and Lucifer with their lightning-charged blades, Lucifer tried to counter all of them, but there were just too many clones with similar speed that he wasn't quick enough to take all of them down.

Satan targeted the one in the original location, but that one turned out to be an illusion clone as well.

"What do you expect?!" Lucifer shouted to him as he landed right next to Satan, "He pulled out a sword and magically got a bow one second later?!"

"I know, but I have to try! His power can pull our senses worse than ever now."

"Aren't you a trickster yourself? Don't you have some immunity to this?"

"Yeah, but not in this vessel! My mana and energy are at their maximum potential, but the only way to release it or use it properly is to self-destruct."

"Well, then release it better."

"Oh, don't tell me that, you release yours! How are you tired so fast?!"

"I am, I'm doing my best, but I got the same vessel man."

Perseus thought as he continued to release his arrows.

The barrage of arrows landed but they were all properly deflected, even though Perseus was winning, he knew that it couldn't go on for long, unlike Jonathan, a sword that was made to be able to resonate with him and expand on his power, this bow wasn't.

Dawn and Lilith used a bit of his blood to make the sword and left a magical imprint of Perseus on it, but the bow was made to expand on Apollo's power. Its design, intricate and resonant with godly energy, was never meant for mortal hands.

As Perseus was not a deity but a mortal, wielded the bow, the immense power coursing through it surged uncontrollably, overwhelming his mortal vessel, Each pull of the bowstring sent a jolt of searing energy through his being.

He resisted it at first, but the amount of arrows he conjured and shot at his 2 enemies was so much that it wore him down, he had his sword out to prolong his resistance, but he needed to end this soon.

Perseus, though struggling with the overwhelming power of the bow, persevered, raining arrows imbued with a mix of light and darkness upon Satan and Lucifer. 

Satan and Lucifer, despite their formidable alliance, began to show signs of strain. The onslaught of arrows, each infused with a volatile mix of light and shadow, took its toll. The once-unyielding force of their combined powers wavered under the sustained assault, their movements becoming erratic as they struggled to deflect and counter the relentless barrage.

As the intense clash continued, the vessels housing Lucifer and Satan's essence exhibited visible signs of strain. Despite their repeated attempts to heal and regenerate, the wear and tear of the relentless battle took its toll on their vessels.

Lucifer's vessel, though repeatedly cocooned in a dark shroud for regeneration mixed in with his own light regenerations, bore faint cracks and fissures that seemed to reappear faster than they could mend. His radiant energy, though formidable, flickered, struggling to maintain its luminous brilliance amidst the assault.

Similarly, Satan's vessel, empowered by the siphoned energy, exhibited visible signs of degradation. The darkness swirling around him, once formidable and impenetrable, now wavered and fluctuated in intensity.

Despite his attempts to reinforce his weakened vessel, the strain of the battle was too much. The continuous assault, coupled with the volatile mixture of light and darkness arrows in each strike, tested the limits of their ability to heal and regenerate, leaving their vessels increasingly worn down despite their attempts to mend and restore.

It didn't help with the barrier around them continuously shrinking, Lucifer tried to pull a trick he remembered and phased through the barrier, it worked, but Buddy interfered from the outside and froze him outside while Dawn and Jerah then threw him back in.

Exhausted from the prolonged battle and the strain of attempting to withstand the barrage, Lucifer and Satan found themselves depleted, their energies waning to the brink of exhaustion. Their vessels, now fractured and faltering, could barely expel their true powers.

With their strength sapped and their forms on the verge of collapse, they looked up to find Perseus, armed with a magic pistol and standing resolutely above them. 

"Are you ready to yield?" he asked, "Or would you like me to pull a Chicago?"

"A Chicago?" Lucifer questioned

"Shoot you, duh."

"We won't surrender to you," Lucifer stated, "And what's the difference, whether we yield or not, we will cease to exist."

"We'd rather fade into oblivion than become a mere fragment of your power."

As the wearied forms of Lucifer and Satan teetered on the brink of collapse, Perseus sensed an opportunity. Drawing upon the remnants of their own energy, he initiated the siphoning process, aiming to absorb the faltering powers to wear the duo down.

Lucifer and Satan, their vessels deteriorating and energies waning, found it increasingly difficult to resist. The draining process wore them down further, their weakened forms unable to withstand the relentless siphoning of their powers.

With every passing moment, Perseus noticed the diminishing resistance from his adversaries. The weariness weighed heavily on Lucifer and Satan. , Lucifer and Satan clung stubbornly to their fading powers, refusing to yield. Every attempt to siphon their energies met with a steadfast resistance.

"No," Lucifer gritted out, his voice strained but resolute. "We won't yield."

Despite his efforts to wear down Lucifer and Satan's resistance, the adversaries remained steadfast in their refusal to yield, their vessels on the verge of collapse yet still fiercely holding onto the remnants of their fading powers.

"Can't say that I wasn't expecting this." Perseus sighs, "You are the more prideful beings to have existed...well...that will mean that I will continue this even if your powers are going to resist me, it's a challenge...but it's a challenge that I'm going to take on, and after this...the 11th star is mine."