Chapter 460: Trial (3)

|Just wanna say...I finally got back into anime after like 3 years, and despite looking away, I understood a whole ass sentence.|

Perseus POV

"Oh my god, this is so awesome!"

The creatures succumbed to each blow in a burst of vibrant pixels, dissolving into colorful fragments that shimmered and dispersed in the air. This is like a video game or a novel...oh, this feels great, the monster didn't even stand a chance.

This is so cool, I got a dungeon, and I get to fight monsters...if they'd drop loot and let me take it back to the real world, I'd do this all the time.

"Why are you mentioning his name?!" Maple exclaimed as she fought off a few of the monsters who got close to her



"It's just an expression, I can't help it, Lilith and Dawn say 'Oh my me', I'm the sane one."

 "Sure, sure, keep telling yourself that. But you know the old saying when someone claims they're the sane one, they're either certifiably insane or just marginally more sensible than the person they're comparing themselves to."

"What's with the sass? Where's the adorable pushover who blushed whenever I teased them?"

She still does...but she definitely has learned some resistance...I'm going to have to learn more cringy lines and jokes. Satan then summoned even stronger monsters to surround us while we were talking in the middle of fighting these hideous things.

The fight wasn't going down any time soon and there seemed to be no time limit either, I tried going for Satan, but there was this invisible barrier that separated us...powerful too, Maple couldn't break it and I doubt that he could either.

"Well, this pushover learned how to deal with womanizers." she responded

"When we get back...heh...I can't wait to deal with you."

"Why do you have Leilah's signature smile?"

"Oh no, this is Lilith's."

"You're not...planning on doing lewd things to me...are you?"

"Oh no, that's where I do things differently than her."


Ruka POV

Leilah gave me these modified black rose petals she made and I ground them into a powder while Leilah attempted to persuade him further. By the end of the day, we hid our presence and followed him home where I overheard him do some light flirting with that girlfriend of his as I put some of the powder by the window and let the wind blow it in.

It didn't take long, but I then put them both in a sack where I then had Leilah teleport him home and have them meet Dad while I stayed here and investigated what the rebellion learned about the demon lord.


Without Tanner and the general, people were starting to panic since they'd disappeared, but I couldn't really care less about this, the rebellion would still happen, and those who were scared could just go home, staying here would only end in their deaths, useless deaths since the demon lord will probably come himself and take them on alone to teach others the consequences of treason and betrayal.

After one day, the disappearances were manipulated into just rumors, but rumors were still dangerous. The camp was surprisingly quiet as I snuck around, ears perked for any conversation that might give me a clue.

Finally, a hushed exchange catches my attention. Two figures, cloaked in darkness, their voices low and urgent.

I crouched behind a cluster of bushes, straining to hear every word. They speak of a secret meeting, a meeting that's causing panic among the rebels. My pulse quickens. This might be what I've been searching for.

The conversation intensifies. They're fretting about the disappearance of their leaders, two key figures who've mysteriously vanished. Their absence seems to be throwing the entire camp into disarray and it's barely kept in check.

With careful steps, I shadow them, maintaining a safe distance as they move through the camp and finally arrive at a secluded meeting place hidden in the heart of the woods. Hooded figures huddle together, their murmurs floating on the tense air...why the hoods? i don't know, the camp is a rebel camp anyway, it's not like they're spies.

They were discussing a pivotal strike against the demon lord's capital. The rebels are plotting an attack, aiming for the heart of the demon's most prized territory, and everything else that is under Lachlan's name.

The disappearances have thrown their entire operation into disarray. Their leaders, the pillars of their rebellion, are gone without a trace, leaving the rebels paralyzed with uncertainty and fear.

They speak in murmurs, debating their options in the wake of the leaders' disappearances. Some voices advocate caution, emphasizing the need to regroup and assess the situation before making any further moves. Others are more agitated, insisting on immediate action, fearing that hesitation might lead to further chaos and loss.

As they deliberate, a consensus begins to form. They decide to send scouting parties to investigate the whereabouts of their missing leaders, prioritizing the search above all else. The prospect of regaining their leadership appears to be their primary focus, a lifeline they desperately grasp in the midst of uncertainty.

The urgency in the rebels' discussions, where some advocate for immediate action, emphasizes a crucial point, they saw this as a window of opportunity. Their belief is that this might be the only time to strike.

Their agitation implies a vulnerability in the demon lord's stronghold that the rebels see as exploitable. The rebels might suspect that the demon lord's forces' guards are momentarily lowered due to the turmoil caused by the disappearances of their leaders. Furthermore, their insistence on acting swiftly suggests a belief that the demon lord's defenses might be temporarily disorganized or preoccupied.

I then retreated from the meeting and headed home, exploiting the demon lord's weakness isn't bad, they probably sent a lot of their forces to fight with the heroes, so the ones at home are probably weaker or at least lesser.

"But I don't have to act on it yet, I got enough information already."