Chapter 466: Power-up

|I got enough time to write this, a good 2 hours, so I'm just rushing through this, don't forget to go to volume 0 to read the short Christmas special, part 2, which is coming out tomorrow is something that you shouldn't miss, will contain a vital piece of information.|

Lilith POV

That stupid god! Not only does he have a pretentious name like God, but he also won't just give up and die! That Cain is the most annoying, every time I go for the killing shot, he intervenes using a subordinate who can switch places with him who he bred like bunnies to use as bodyguards.

Luckily, Perseus' back, that presence he gave off earlier was quite something, even I'm interested in studying him and I'm not even a researcher...the world's first celestial...even though Lachlan technically has the strength to rival one, he can't be one as his powers were passed down by mortals, albeit, they were all the strongest mortals to have walked the planet.

I then rushed to my private realm and saw Perseus rush to a music store and buy a guitar before heading to the battlefield, Maple then teleported to the realm and hugged me tightly, she had a lot of markings on her neck and her lips were suspiciously red.

"Please." she pleaded, "Stop Perseus from teasing me."

"Alright, I'll take him off of you, but don't get jealous when he's kissing me instead."

"Be careful, he...he can hold me down for a good while."


"Yeah, he was kissing me and teasing me all over."

"Why didn't you stop him? He would have stopped if he could detect the truth in your voice."

"...Well...being near him was a bit...more intoxicating than usual...and I sort of liked it at first..." she admitted guiltily


3rd Person POV

"Hmm, maybe my casual way of speaking isn't too impressive, let me change it up." Perseus then cleared his throat.

With an air of theatrical grandeur, Perseus approached the crowd, each step a deliberate stride that announced their presence. He raised an exaggerated hand, adorned with a flourish, and spoke in a tone that echoed through the surroundings.

"Greetings, noble comrades and distinguished adversaries!" he greeted with pretentious elegance, "Behold, the harbinger of melodious marvels and purveyor of unparalleled prowess has graced this humble gathering with their illustrious presence."

A sweeping gesture followed, encompassing the entire crowd as if acknowledging a royal court. Perseus' eyes, twinkling with a mischievous glint, scanned the faces before them, each expression scrutinized as if expecting applause for the mere act of making an entrance.

"Fear not, for you stand in the aura of magnificence," the continued, "Prepare yourselves, for you are about to witness a spectacle that shall linger in the annals of your memory like...umm...a fine wine aging in the cellars?"

Before he could continue further, the soldiers and mages unleashed their combined magical assault upon him, Perseus, in response, stood still and firm and had this arrogant smirk etched upon his face.

The spells surged towards him with deadly intent, crackling with intense power. It hit him and created a large smokescreen as many others continued to shoot at the spot where he stood. Yet, as the smoke cleared, the space where Perseus stood was barren, his figure vanished into thin air and was nowhere to be found.

Then, just as abruptly, Perseus reappeared, unscathed and nonchalant, as if the barrage of spells had been nothing more than a fleeting inconvenience. A sly smirk graced his lips, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes.

"Fight each other, turn to your allies, give me a bloodbath." he commanded, "This newly born celestial demands a sacrifice."

The effect was instantaneous. The once composed assembly was now a whirlwind of action, soldiers and adversaries turned against each other in chaos. Blades clashed, shouts erupted, and the air crackled with the intensity of combat.

It was as though an invisible hand manipulated their thoughts, the soldiers and mages casting wary glances at each other. A ripple of confusion swept through the ranks, followed by a chilling realization that their allegiances were being tampered with.

The once-unified forces fractured, chaos erupting amidst the ranks as alliances shattered. Spells and blades were turned upon former comrades, the battlefield descending into a tumultuous free-for-all. Perseus had successfully sown seeds of internal conflict that now bloomed into chaos.

The warriors, driven by the authority imbued in his words, engaged in a frenzied display of skill and strength. But instead of channeling their fury toward the enemies, their strikes found their mark within their own ranks. The command, like an unyielding force, twisted their allegiance, compelling them to fight and kill their own comrades.

Despite their desperate attempts to resist, the compulsion he had woven into their minds proved unyielding. Their expressions twisted with turmoil, torn between their innate loyalty and the unbreakable hold my voice held over their wills.

"Perseus!" the heroes and Phineas shouted as they charged and flew toward him.

But before they could reach him, a sudden clap. In an instant, a colossal explosion of compressed air erupted a sonic boom that barreled outward with devastating force. Its shockwave, like an unseen hand, sent the heroes and Phineas hurtling backward, their valiant charge halted and thwarted by the sheer magnitude of power Perseus suddenly exuded.

"Well, y'all have yourselves a good day now." With a casual flick of his hand, he let go of the guitar, leaving it suspended in the air as he disappeared away.

The instrument was all of a sudden imbued with an overwhelming surge of power, crackled with an ominous energy that seemed to pulse erratically. As Perseus teleported away, a sudden surge of energy coursed through the guitar.

The guitar exploded with a deafening blast that echoed across the battlefield, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. Fragments of the instrument scattered like shrapnel, a display of force that left everyone frozen in awe and fear.

The sudden power-up, the abrupt departure, and the explosive farewell...Perseus was different...and all their plans to deal with him had changed once again.