Chapter 472: Cooperation (5)

Perseus POV

"Hmm? You're the one awake?" Lilith asked and then turned to the time.

It was only 3 am. I'm currently just reading stolen reports from the kingdom and other reports of their tactics to invade our kingdom, I went to Edward earlier, woke him up, and used him to get a couple of untraceable leaks.

"Yeah, Leilah's a bit tired, if you want, my parents have a lot of leftovers since I couldn't have dinner. Anyway, get your sleep, you looked like you needed rest."

"I'm a goddess." she replied

"And? That didn't stop you from passing out first."

"Keep bring that up, one day, you'll be on the other end of things, just like when we started."

"Thanks to you, I doubt that my parents will believe that I'm a virgin since you both pulled me quite aggressively to bed."

"Shush." she then sighs, "Just where was the cute guy who was so meek when I first met him?"

"You act like you don't like me better now."

"Heh." she smirked, "We're a bit alike sometimes."

"In what way?"

"We both have this streak, you know? A certain... dominance, perhaps. A desire to steer things our way, even if it means playing the game a little dirty. We're not saints, and we don't always prioritize the greater good when our own interests are at stake."

"I guess we do have our ways of ensuring our goals are met, it is a bad thing though, it's why I can never be a hero."

"But," she continued with her gaze meeting mine, "It's not always a bad thing, you know? Sometimes that drive, that assertiveness, it's what's needed to make things happen, to navigate the chaos, so to speak. It's just a matter of how we use it."

"True," I replied after a short while, "There's power in that drive, that unwavering assertiveness. It's what propels us forward, helps us cut through any obstacle that surrounds us." 

"But it's a double-edged sword, isn't it? That same assertiveness, that drive for dominance, can blind us to the consequences of our actions. It becomes a tool we wield, sometimes at the expense of others."

"Pride can be both a shield and a weapon," I agreed, "It shields us from doubt, and fuels our determination, but it also blinds us. And selfishness... it's a driving force, an unrelenting pursuit of our desires, even if it means manipulating situations or people. So...isn't one of the reasons you like me?"

"Of course." she said as she placed both her hands on my shoulder and her head on top of it, "It's why I let you have the honor of dating Lilith the goddess, instead of Lilith the general or tailor."

"You can be awfully cute sometimes."

"Don't make me take back what I said." she said while glaring at me, though I felt no ill intent from it.

"Okay, you're not cute."

"Good." she muttered and leaned in for a kiss, but I felt my head pulled and jerked to the other side where Leilah kissed me instead.

"You fucking bitch!" Lilith yelled


Ruka POV

"So you 2 are really married?" Nyra asked as soon as I got to the breakfast table

"Legally, yes."

Nyra exchanged a swift glance with Rylee, their expressions a blend of surprise and understanding. There was a momentary pause, the clinking of cutlery the only sound in the room.

"We're not upset, dear. If anything, we're just a bit surprised. But you've been a part of our lives for so long, it only makes sense." Rylee assured

"We're grateful you and our son are together now," Nyra said softly. "We've always considered you family, and this just makes it official. Well, more official than before. By the way, are you not jealous of the others?"

"Not really." I shrugged, "They're my sisters, I trust them to share him, as for their physical intimacy, I don't get why people enjoy such things nor do I care for it. Besides, I'm very low-maintenance, he'll be by my side when I need him, currently, he can fool around with his mistresses."


3rd Person POV

The grand hall of Tehios's council chamber underwent a transformation, echoing the weighty significance of the impending peace talks. The usual hustle and bustle gave way to an air of anticipation as workers meticulously prepared the space for the momentous gathering.

At the heart of the hall, a massive, polished oak table took center stage. Its length stretched across the room, an imposing yet inviting symbol of unity, flanked by rows of ornate chairs on either side. The table's surface gleamed under the golden hue of the chandeliers above, meticulously adorned with carefully arranged parchments, quills, and intricately designed placeholders denoting each faction's seating arrangements.

Draped in rich fabrics, the table stood as an impartial ground, meant to bridge the divide between the human and demon representatives. The human side bore the touch of refinement with its meticulously arranged settings, while the demon side showcased intricate patterns in darker hues, a reflection of their cultural elegance.

Once the day arrived, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation as representatives from both the human and demon factions gathered for the peace talks. The hall echoed with murmurs of hope and skepticism alike, each side eyeing the other with guarded suspicion.

At the center of the vast chamber, a long table stood as the symbolic bridge between the two factions. On one side, dignitaries adorned in traditional human garb sat with stoic expressions, their features tense with underlying apprehension. Across the table, demons draped in elegant yet formidable attire exuded an air of restrained power, their eyes flashing with a mix of curiosity and wariness.

The human and demon representatives arrived, it was Rowan and Alban, each accompanied by their advisors, and took their places at the grand table in the hall, their eyes locking in a silent exchange of tension and determination.

"Long time no see." Alban greeted

"Indeed." Rowan replied, "To think that our first meeting in forever would be like this...just where did it all go wrong..."

"Let's get it started-"

Before they could continue, the presence of even more powerful figures arrived, it was God and the sins, the 2 seasonal gods, Saber and Cassius also arrived on the scene, something that is unexpected for wither sides.