Chapter 474: Cooperation (7)

Perseus POV

Here I am, barging into a meeting I wasn't invited to. The tension in the air is palpable; it crackles like electricity, and the shock on their faces when I kicked that door open was priceless. It's a risky move, especially with the chaos brewing outside, but I had to shake things up. This peace talk threatens everything I've worked for, so I can't let it go smoothly.

I can feel their eyes drilling into me, questioning my audacity. But I had to make an entrance, make it clear that I won't be sidelined. This meeting, it's their attempt to strategize against me, to devise ways to thwart my plans. They think they're so clever, huddled in here, discussing how to take me down. Not today.

The coup outside? Just a distraction, a part of the plan. Those guys are useful, and with me here myself, they'll think that I didn't pull those strings and started those riots outside. Their chaos provides the perfect cover for my little interruption. And here I am, the unexpected guest, throwing their strategies into disarray.

I can see it in their eyes, the shock, the flicker of uncertainty. It's exactly what I wanted. They thought they could outmaneuver me, but now they're off balance. I've disrupted their carefully laid plans, and they're scrambling to adapt.

This isn't just about crashing a meeting; it's about showing them I won't play by their rules. They're trying to figure out how to beat me, and here I am, walking right into their midst. Let's see how they handle this curveball. I've riled them up, and set the stage for a showdown they never expected. And it's just the beginning.

The room erupted in chaos as they screamed demands, their voices echoing off the walls. Surrounding me were their knights and mages, forming a barrier of steel and distrust. It was quite the reception as they were very hostile, to say the least.

With an exaggerated display of mock politeness, I raised my hands in a show of a mocking surrender, a smirk dancing on my lips.

"Well, well, well, aren't we a little tense today? Hey Lloyd. Put your sword closer to my neck, cuz I can still escape with this distance."

Their anger was barely contained by my arrogance. But I stood there, unflinching, refusing to be intimidated. This was all part of the grand play, the game of power and manipulation. They expected me to cower, to bow to their authority. Instead, I greeted their hostility with a hint of arrogance, throwing their expectations back in their faces.

Their questions fired at me like arrows, each one demanding an answer I had no intention of giving. Instead, I maintained a facade of indifference, my demeanor unyielding. Let them scream, let them surround me with their knights; I was the wild card they didn't anticipate, and I relished in the chaos I'd ignited.

And as I was about to give another totally hilarious line that Lilith said not to say, the arrival of more powerful figures arrived, the heroes and the demon lord.

It was as though every powerhouse had arrived simultaneously, converging upon this singular moment, amplifying the stakes of the already volatile situation. The room became a battlefield of competing energies, each powerful figure asserting their influence.

"Yo wassup everyone, welcome to the party, can y'all like tell everyone to calm down?"

"Why are you here Perseus?" Lachlan demanded

"Y'all were talking about killing me without me, I wanted to take part in it too."

"You dare mock these representatives with your insolence?" 

"Hey, I'm just here for a lively discussion. Thought I'd join in before y'all make any hasty decisions."

"Your presence here only disrupts our proceedings," he asserted

"Ooh, scary."

"There's nothing stopping us from killing you right here and now, so leave while we still have some mercy."

"Some demon lord you are!" an idiot raised his voice, "Let's kill him right now and solve everyone's problems!"

"Yes, that, see, that's a smart person, idiotic for raising his voice against you since he is a weak noble who inherited everything he has from his ancestors without putting any work in. But smart for wanting to end the threat now."

"Slow down there, Lachlan." a familiar voice said 

I turned to see Lilith, and the demons were both perplexed and mad at her appearance.


Maple is nearby, though I can sense that she's only watching from afar.

Right before Lachlan can conjure up a spell to kill the 'treacherous ex-general', she gives off her presence and exudes her godly aura and it doesn't take long at all for the demons to realize who she is. Lachlan groveled before her and other demons followed.

"Huh, I should take you on dates like this more often, I won't have to pay for anything."

"Don't be cheap." Lilith scoffs, "You'll set a bad example for our kids."

"What? That's called being smart."

"We'll discuss this later."

"Goddess...why...why are you with him?" Lachlan asked while glaring at me, "Why disguise as general? And then leave us for him."

"Told you that I'd marry your goddess."

"Shush, let's not get all smug." Lilith requested and then signaled everyone to get up, "Alright, listen, y'all. I don't care what you do to Perseus, the village, the heroes, or whomever, kill them, torture them, you'll have my permission, I'll listen to your prayers and I'll answer them.

"But I'm only here to say that, the moment Perseus is on his last bit of life, I'm whisking him away, and don't worry, that means that he won't be able to interfere with the war any longer, I'm just here to announce my retirement as a goddess after this war is over."

"What?!" Lachlan shouted in response along with the uproar that followed, "Did he make you do this?"

"Technically?" Lilith then shrugged, "I've always wanted to retire, I've made up with most of my siblings, Tanner is still quite hard to talk to, and...well...yeah, I'm pregnant."

