Chapter 484: Arson

|I almost have a 500-day streak of writing, which should take about a month, and after that, I'm taking a week break, this has been really long considering that I have had a 200 writing streak once, probably more, but I don't remember very well.|

Reiner POV

The cold, damp walls of the jail pressed in on me, the metallic scent of confinement permeating the air. My hands gripped the bars, the stinging chill of the iron seeping into my skin as I surveyed the cramped cell that now confined me. The echoes of distant footsteps and muffled voices from the guards outside meant that they were at quite a distance from me.

I had succeeded in infiltrating the extremist faction, an assembly vehemently opposed to any alliance or coexistence with the demons. I came to them and surrendered to them, telling them that I was a believer, didn't take them long to knock me out, and putting me in the cell like Rowan predicted.

As I sat in the cold solitude of the jail cell, the irony of my current situation bore heavily upon my thoughts. I couldn't help but reflect on the stark contrast between my past as a prince and my present role as an infiltrator within the ranks of extremists.

Once, I had been heir to a throne, the embodiment of royalty and authority. The idea that a prince, a symbol of power and privilege, would willingly subject himself to the harsh confines of a jail cell for the sake of a mission was inconceivable to those who knew my history.

After a while, the cell door creaked open, revealing a guard with a stern countenance.

"Time for your questioning," he grumbled and unlocked the cell door motioning for me to follow.

As I stepped out into the dimly lit corridor, the iron door clanged shut behind me, sealing me off from the dank enclosure.

In the interrogation chamber, faces masked with suspicion scrutinized me. I maintained the facade of a devoted extremist, my words carefully chosen to align with their beliefs. The questioning was intense, probing the depths of my supposed allegiance.

After I 'proved' my worth. Casually, I inquired about their organization, its hierarchy, and its inner workings. Their faces betrayed a momentary lapse in vigilance, a hint of discomfort that betrayed the guarded nature of their secrets.

I played the part of the devoted extremist, expressing an eagerness to contribute more actively to their cause, to prove my unwavering commitment. Perseus better thank me for this because I'm going to play a risky game here.

Dawn POV


I then stretched and got up from the couch, I had it bent over into a bed and slept with Perseus and Rosa in the living room when he fell asleep there after dinner. I then made breakfast for his parents who just woke up and nervously greeted me.

I don't know how long it would take for them to treat me normally and not like some sort of superior being. They can do it for the others, why not me? We're all older than them anyway.

Perseus was still sleeping, it was really cute, so I decided to leave him and let him sleep there for now, Rosa was also sheepishly waking up after a while, she then volunteered to come along with me.

I stood atop a vantage point of the tree, and what I saw was not a pretty sight. The distant sounds of marching boots reached my ears. A murky cloud tainted the horizon as enemy soldiers amassed, their numbers swelling like an approaching stampede. The flicker of torchlight cast an ominous glow, marking their advance into the thick woods.

Rosaa then rushed to get the chief.

As the invaders breached the forest's edge, the serene tranquility then shattered into chaos. Flames erupted, devouring the once lush flora. The enemy was burning a path through, their relentless advance transforming the once vibrant landscape into shades of orange and red.

The forest, our shield against prying eyes, succumbed to the merciless assault. The soldiers, driven by the conflict, waged war against nature itself. The flames, fueled by an otherworldly intensity, devoured even the fireproof trees that had long withstood the tests of time. Their crackling roar echoed through the woods, drowning out the cries of the creatures that called this forest their home.

As the inferno raged, panic ensued among the creatures dwelling within the forest. Birds fled from their nests, their wings frantically beating against the encroaching blaze. Terrified animals darted out from the foliage, only to be hunted down mercilessly by the invaders who awaited them at the forest's edge.

From my vantage point, the heartbreaking scenes unfolded below, painting a grim picture of the relentless assault on the woods. The soldiers' relentless pursuit...I sometimes understand Perseus' saying that 'humanity was a mistake'. Though, this time, there were also demons, luckily, it was a saying that Perseus only said in his previous life.

The chief joined me a while later, his presence radiating a calm rage that mirrored the turmoil within the woods. The crackling flames below cast flickering shadows on his stoic face as he surveyed the devastation unfolding beneath us.

Without a hint of emotion, the chief spoke, his voice carrying the weight of a decision made in the face of relentless aggression.

"War it is," he declared, "These invaders will pay for the desecration of our sanctuary."

The words hanging in the air like an unspoken oath. His gaze, steady and resolute, met mine, a shared understanding passing between us in the midst of the chaotic scene.

"Milady." he greeted

With a measured nod, the chief turned away from the inferno.

"Prepare for battle!" the chief's voice boomed

The soldiers, armed and ready, assembled with a swift and unified purpose. The air hummed with a palpable tension as they readied themselves for the impending confrontation.

"Damn, so they're resorting to arson?" Perseus said while yawning, "Man, they never learn, do they?"

"So, what are you going to do?"

"Ruka will handle this, I have Cain to take care of."