Chapter 486: Arson (3)

Perseus POV

"I've made my choice. This is bigger than both of us." he declared

The wind spirits summoned earlier in a desperate attempt to thwart the destruction, seemed to take a turn. They stirred the flames, directing them toward the tent where our argument unfolded. As Lloyd advanced, the dancing flames cast an ominous silhouette behind him, intensifying the gravity of the moment.

As Lloyd charged forward, his sword gleaming menacingly, I took a defensive stance while being unarmed. I refused to be the one to strike first, at least not yet, even with the help surrounding him, I would win no matter what, and he knew it too.

"I never thought it would come to this, Lloyd, well, I did, but I thought that I would have tried to find a way to save you secretly, even if it's against your will."

Lloyd's eyes narrowed his expression a mix of anger and surprise.

"Save me? You took everything from me! My adoptive family, they're gone because of you!" he shouted as he channeled a lot of magic onto his sword and shoved me.

But his shove didn't really do anything as I stood my ground while casting a barrier to isolate the 2 of us. He cast a lot of spells directed at me, but I just cast some magic to clash against it and counter them and have him fight me desperately.

"Don't play the innocent. You brought them into this world, and you took them out of it. Their blood is on your hands," he spat out, the flames reflecting in the anger that danced in his eyes." he spat

"It doesn't have to involve our village."

"The village is just the beginning. There are forces at play and they go beyond our little corner of the world. I won't let you stand in the way of what needs to be done. All you all had to do was side with us, but you all went with the stupid choice of being neutral. Just because we're powerful...

"Just because we happen to wield considerable power doesn't necessarily validate our position as being the right one. It's important to recognize that strength alone doesn't determine the moral high ground.

I then kicked him away and unsheathed my sword.

"You yap a lot...and as for power...It's time to show you what real power is."

A surge of energy coursed through me as I lunged forward. Lloyd, caught off guard by the sudden shift, struggled to match my intensity. The clash of steel resonated in the fiery air as he attempted to stop me, but he couldn't, I put so much strength onto my sword that I damaged his bones and muscles every time I made contact, injuring him faster than his magic and gears could heal.

With each exchange, it became evident that the battle was one-sided. My movements, fueled by a mix of anger and a desire to end this madness, outmatched Lloyd's efforts. I parried his strikes effortlessly, the weight of my blows driving him back.

Finally, with a forceful kick, I sent Lloyd sprawling backward with the impact of the kick echoing through the air. The crashing and splintering of burning structures followed, punctuated by the guttural roar of collapsing tents and the snapping of smoldering wood as Lloyd blew past all the tents.

I stood over him, the sword in my hand pointing toward the fallen figure of the adopted royalty.

"I'll deal with you later, heaven's gate."


Lloyd POV

I found myself plummeting through an impenetrable darkness. The descent was chaotic, a free fall through a void that swallowed all sound and reason. Panic gripped me as I struggled to make sense of the terrifying plunge.

Time seems to slow as I plummet, the air rushing past with a deafening roar. My descent was then stopped by the jarring impact of jagged rocks below. Pain shoots through every nerve, a symphony of agony echoing in the void. The rough ground tears at my flesh, leaving a trail of wounds that sting with each passing second.

My breath catches in my throat as I finally come to a jarring halt, sprawled on the unforgiving surface. The pain is immediate, a visceral reminder of the brutal fall. My limbs ache, and every movement sends shockwaves of discomfort through my battered body.

Gasping for breath and looking around, everything around me looked like hell, the environment felt like one as well.

I lay sprawled on the harsh terrain, my limbs protesting the brutality of the landing. The air, thick with noxious fumes, seared my lungs, making each breath of mine a living hell. The stench of sulfur and decay hung heavy in the atmosphere, assaulting my senses and intensifying my disorientation.

I struggled to my feet, the jagged rocks beneath me cutting into my palms. In the distance, the silhouette of a large, beautiful tree beckoned me forward, the same tree that bore a fruit that Rolan once ate. The contrast between its vibrant beauty and the hellish landscape around it is striking, and a flicker of hope ignites within me.

Despite the agony etched into every movement, a glimmer of hope fueled my determination, maybe that's where my freedom is. Driven by an instinctual yearning for relief, I forged ahead through the unforgiving terrain. The air grows thicker, my breaths more desperate, yet the vision of the tree becomes clearer with each painful step.

I stumbled forward, my movements erratic and unsteady. The landscape seemed to contort as if mocking my feeble attempts to navigate its harsh contours. The air itself bore the weight of suffering, a malevolent force that clung to my skin like a shroud.

What is this? Why did he send me here instead of killing me? No...did I die? Was this my hell for helping in the destruction of my former home?

The tree...the tree can save me.

"Who are you?" a voice asked and a giant machine golem landed in front of me with this cylinder hand generating a high amount of energy.

I then unsheathed my sword as well, but a powerful oppressive presence suppressed me and I stopped myself from doing so.

"Answer him, who are you?" a giant serpent asked as it appeared out of nowhere.