Chapter 516: Divine (7)

3rd Person POV

Just as Saber was about to rush in once again, Jerah jumped in the middle of the fight.

"Stop what you're doing at once!" he ordered

"What are you here for when you've not been having any screen time as a useless background character during this whole arc?" Perseus asked in a mocking tone

"You will kill one another when it's unnecessary."

"Fine, but it's not like I've finished killing all their representatives nor have their invasion stopped, God and the angels are still fighting over there, with your daughter involved..."

"That's...fine, but you 3 shouldn't be fighting each other, and...I'm mostly referring to you 2." Jerah turned to his 2 sons, "You're going against your own words to not be directly involved with mortals...if you continue...I'll step in to help Perseus."

"Tch." Saber clicked his tongue and disappeared away with Cassius following right after.

"You should get him a girl." Perseus recommended, "Maybe then he'll calm down."

"Good idea...but I still don't like you, Silver." Jerah replied and then went after his sons.

"Buddy, go help Lilith out, I got someone else to fight with."


As God and Lilith were continuing their fight, Perseus intervened when a lot of angels got really close to Lilith. The angels turned to dust and slashed in 2 before Perseus came in to face against God.

"Hey, I don't need your help!" Lilith exclaimed

"Sorry, babe, but this guy's mine for the picking." Perseus chuckled as he twirled his chains around

The sickle end was gleaming in the light as he faced off against God. With a swift flick of his wrist, he launched the weighted metal end toward his opponent, aiming to catch him off guard.

But the God, though powerful, lacked the finesse of combat that Perseus possessed. Despite his overwhelming strength, he struggled to anticipate Persues' unpredictable movements. As the metal weight whirled through the air, God barely managed to deflect it with a burst of radiant energy.

Seizing the opportunity, Perseus pressed forward, his sickle flashing in a blur of motion. With each strike, he aimed to exploit the God's lack of experience in close-quarters combat. The sickle sliced through the air with deadly accuracy, forcing God to dodge and weave to avoid being struck.

But even as Perseus gained the upper hand, God refused to back down. With a roar of fury, he unleashed a powerful blast of light, forcing Perseus to leap back to avoid being engulfed by its power.

"Divine Judgement!" God shouted 

As God unleashed his most potent spell, Divine Judgment, a beam of radiant energy streaked toward Perseus with blinding speed. But he was moving with the swiftness of light itself and dodged the attack, narrowly avoiding its destructive force.

With a smirk of confidence, Perseus locked eyes with God, his gaze unwavering and filled with an unyielding determination.

"Unfortunately, this isn't your true world," he remarked coolly as he got in front of God, "And because of that... you're weaker."

God's expression faltered, a flicker of doubt crossing his divine features as he struggled to come to terms with reality. He had been so certain of his victory, so certain of his dominance over Perseus' forces.

But now, faced with the undeniable truth of his own limitations, he began to understand the gravity of his situation...he got help...and Perseus went to get the help of his own to handle the giants...and now...he was losing to a mortal?

"And knowing all of that," Perseus continued, his voice dripping with smug satisfaction, "I'd win."

With a swift and decisive motion, Perseus transformed his sickle into an abnormally large one-handed hammer. With a thunderous roar, he brought the hammer crashing down upon God, driving him towards the ground with earth-shattering force.

The ground quaked beneath the force of the impact, sending shockwaves rippling across the battlefield and causing fissures to spiderweb outwards from the point of impact.

Chunks of earth and debris were sent flying into the air, obscuring the battlefield in a swirling cloud of dust and rubble. The sheer power of the blow was enough to shake the very foundations of the world, leaving a crater in its wake.

"Yehi choshek(Let there be darkness." Perseus casted

As the words echoed through the air, a creeping shadow began to spread, swallowing everything in its path. The once-illuminated battlefield had its once-bright colors rendered dull and lifeless as it was plunged into darkness.

Lilith rushed to then shield everyone else from the attack, the heroes, the demons, the villagers, everyone from the attack.

As the darkness spread, it brought with it a sense of suffocating dread that seemed to permeate every inch of the battlefield. The ground trembled beneath the weight of the encroaching gloom, its very essence corroding the earth and reducing it to ash.

The giants didn't stand a chance either as some of them started to turn into ash or at least had a few parts of their body parts hurt, those who resisted the attack due to them being far away still had Bora to deal with.

Those Lilith couldn't protect were now shrouded in darkness, faltered in their movements, their once-keen senses dulled by the oppressive blackness. Warriors stumbled blindly through the void, their weapons rendered useless against an enemy they could not see.

The earth itself trembled as if recoiling from the darkness that now enveloped it, and fissures cracked open in the ground, swallowing whole swathes of the once-fertile terrain.

The darkness tore through everything in its path with relentless ferocity. Trees were uprooted and splintered, their branches reduced to twisted, gnarled husks by the unstoppable force. Rocks shattered and crumbled into dust, unable to withstand the sheer power of the darkness that now reigned supreme.

The very air crackled with otherworldly energy as if charged with the fury of a thousand storms. Lightning arced across the sky, illuminating the darkness with jagged bolts of searing light that danced and flickered amidst the chaos below.

Despite all the destruction, it was ominously silent. The once-fierce winds fell silent, their howling gusts quelled by the overwhelming force of the darkness that now held sway over the land. Even the cries of the wounded and the dying were muted, swallowed up by the all-encompassing void that surrounded them.