Epilogue 1: Onsen Trip (1)

|The epilogues aren't like, in chronological order, but I'll be sure to write them in a way that you'll understand, they do mostly happen to the end or after the end, if there is a certain pothole that needs to be addressed, let me know.|

*During the Japanese hotspring trip*

Perseus POV

It seems that Dawn wanted to join in the trip, well, more like the other 2 forced her to come make sure we're not doing anything that makes them worry or envious. They also sent Rosa here to make sure that Dawn gets her job done and does not stray by joining in.

They're in the room right now, luckily I used magic to clean everything this morning after we received another call, I also got make sure all of us are dressed and washed too, Dawn was fine, but having Rosa see it would be traumatizing for the both of us.

"So where can I sit or touch that has not been contiminated?" Rosa asked


"Well, what place is clean and not been touched...by you guys during your process."

"Bathroom, the bed, and the onsen thing." Ruka answered, "Mom, how do you deal with this guy? My butt hurts, my waist hurts, and I'm really tired."

"Alright, I'll just go have breakfast alone because I do not want to hear anything like that from my parents." Rosa excused herself and put on her headphones.

"Don't worry, I bribed her, we can do whatever we want." Dawn said cheerfully climbed onto the bed and hugged me tightly, "What have you guys planned?"

"Oh, you might want to ask Maple." I pointed to the sleeping Maple

"Oh...how many times did you guys do it? You do realize that it was her first time, right?"

"Let's not worry about that...did you leak all those recordings about me on the net?"

"Oh, you found out, huh? Are you mad?"

"A bit, since you didn't tell me anything till now."

"I just didn't want the world to see you in a completely dark light, I've even got permission from that Dr. Perez of yours." she pouted

"...*sighs* It's fine, since these 2 are clearly tired, let's just enjoy the facilities offered nearby with Rosa while they sleep, these 2 barely got any."

"What do you mean? Aren't they new? They should have passed out quick."

'Well, I knew that, so I spent most of my time teasing them."

"Just shut up and leave, I'll sleep and call you when we're up, I could barely walk."


As I navigated the winding streets of a nearby Japanese town, I made my way to a small matcha ice cream shop tucked away in a charming corner. Finally reaching the shop, I step inside, greeted by the sweet aroma of freshly brewed matcha.

Taking a moment to savor the tranquility of the space, I approach the counter, my mouth watering at the thought of indulging in a cool matcha treat. I felt guilty about Maple and Ruka not being here, but oh well, they can come later, we have a lot of time to enjoy our life, whether it's together or separate every now and then.

I ordered a matcha sundae and a matcha coffee milkshake, and I settled into a cozy seat by the window, savoring each spoonful of the decadent matcha sundae, I closed my eyes and allowed myself to be transported by the rich flavors to make me forget about my worries. I'm somewhat at peace now and I got people to work for me to achieve my goals

As I take a sip of the creamy matcha coffee milkshake, I can't help but smile at the simple joy of indulging in such a delightful treat.

"Dad, can I go order more?" Rosa asked

"No need to ask, just go, we got lots of money."

"How long are we going to stay here?" Dawn asked

"A while, there's a lot more things I want to enjoy while I'm here."

"And you didn't even want to come at first."

"Well, I'm here now, might as well enjoy it."