Chapter 190 "Ego"

Yondu led his Ravagers fleet into space to look for clues. He launched the starship as soon as he saw The Collector's ship arrive to move forward. The two talked about things. As The Collector stated, Thanos' men swept the battlefield in this area.

Rorschach, on the other hand, didn't need any clues at all.

He lifted his right hand, and the Time Stone showed up on the rear of his hand. Time magic was depicted by his hands dancing and overlapping.

As if someone had pressed the rewind button on a movie, and time was flowing backwards, this space suddenly stopped moving the second after that. Countless stars and images followed.

However, the reverse flow of time is only a hypothetical event and not a true reverse of time.

The fundamental components of the Marvel universe's timeline are established facts. Regardless of whether you hold the Time Stone, you can't change the laid-out realities freely. If not, there will be repercussions.

Quill is currently out of this area. This is now an established fact. The current timeline will become confusing, and even worse, the timeline will collapse if Rorschach uses backtracking to pull Quill from it.

Quill, after all, is not your typical person. He has the god gene, so he can still be considered a demigod. In a few significant interstellar events, it can likewise be viewed as an essential key role.

Using the Time Stone to alter Quill's timeline in this manner is even more impossible. With the image of time, it is impossible to trace Quill back, but his whereabouts and phantom appear in this space.

As time continued to rewind, everyone looked up to see an egg-shaped spacecraft in off-white that was visible from far and near in space. Quill turned to fight Thanos' fleet behind the egg-shaped spaceship after stepping back from it.

This is done in reverse. However, everyone on the scene has long been aware of what transpired.

Quill and Gamora followed one of the Black Order generals all the way to his location. However, Ebony Maw noticed them and dispatched a fleet to pursue and intercept them.

Quill, Gamora, and Drax were saved from the fleet by a mysterious man driving an egg-shaped spaceship just as Quill and the others were defeated.

Ebony Maw quickly cleaned the battlefield to avoid being seen and jumped away.

"Sure enough, Quill was taken from Ego." When Rorschach saw the beige spacecraft, he was absolutely certain that Ego had taken him away.

Yondu also saw this on the Ravagers' starship, and as he said, "Damn it, Peter Quill is in danger," his face became very ugly for a brief moment.

Yondu immediately sent a rescue request to Rorschach's shuttle ship.

When The Collector got the request, his face suddenly got serious. "Lord Rorschach, Yondu informed me that the individual who took Star-Lord away is the Ego you mentioned earlier."

Ego started out as nothing more than a brain that floated in space. He had to learn to gradually manipulate the surrounding matter and build a huge planet around himself, which took tens of thousands of years.

At the point when he found that there were different lives in the universe, Ego utilized his energy to venture out to each planet in the universe and abandoned his seeds to satisfy his definitive objective of life, to control the whole universe, and to let the whole universe turns into a piece of itself.

Rorschach's concept of the solar dimension evolving into the universe is in line with Ego's. The only difference is that Rorschach will not pose a threat to any life in the universe, whereas Ego's cloned seeds will consume all planets and all life on them. This is the primary distinction between the two.

It is impossible to rely on the power of one person to devour all the planets in the universe because Ego is just a universal level entity. So he proceeded to reproduce and needed to utilize the force of posterity with the qualities of the divine beings to finish this goal together.

Yondu is to assist Ego in locating and bringing them to him.

Yondu, on the other hand, also discovered that every descendant who was sent to the planet Ego perished. Peter Quill was left alone on a planet because he was concerned that Quill would not evade Ego's plan.

"Lord Rorschach, what are our next steps?" When the Collector heard Yondu's words, he found himself in a difficult situation.

Thanos is on one side, and Ego is on the other.

One is holding the Soul Stone, and may rush out of the area and conceal in the space of the universe, while the other is wanting to swallow every one of the planets in the universe.

The Collector is unable to handle this situation.

"By tracking the location of the Ebony Maw fleet's space jump, you should be able to further narrow the scope of the search. Wanda and I will go to Ego."

This star field is not big enough for Thanos to hide. Rorschach is more concerned about the possibility that he will make a mistake at a crucial moment if Ego is left alone.

When Ego retains Quill's energy and enacts all the clone seeds established on the planet, it will cause tumult in the universe.

Thanos is found to be a coward due to the immense size of the universe. There was really nothing Rorschach could do about it.

When Yondu heard that Rorschach was going to find Ego, he was overjoyed. "Lord Rorschach, are you going to rescue Quill?" Yondu asked.

"Well, can you pinpoint where Ego is exactly?"

The primary objective of Rorschach is to save the universe. After all, according to Rorschach, this universe and its solar dimension will eventually combine. He finds Ego's plan to rule the universe to be a provocation.

Yondu quickly responded, "It was Ego who contacted me previously. I am unable to precisely locate the existence of Ego, and his planet can move at will."

"It's fine if you can't find Ego, do you have anything with Peter Quill's DNA?" Rorschach inquired.

Rorschach can instantly teleport there once he locates Quill now that Ego has taken him away.

The technique for finding Quill is additionally extremely basic. By using anything with his DNA as a medium, Rorschach can use magic to direct everyone to Quill's location.

Yondu silently recited, "Quell's DNA..."

Before turning to the deputy standing next to him and saying, "Go and look in Quill's room. Check whether you can find something conveying his DNA, go!"

Several people were hurriedly led to Quill's room by the short and tall deputy. He was here for a month.

It's unfortunate that no one was able to locate anything that might contain DNA despite everyone's efforts. After all, everyone on the ship washed and used the restroom in the common area.

The tall, thin deputy suddenly noticed the trash can next to Quill's bed just as everyone was lost.