Chapter 224 "Harleen Quinzel"

It was noon that day.

The police entered the Arkham Asylum to arrest the criminal Jonathan Klein the Scarecrow, but they were attacked by mysterious warrior groups and fear gas was being reported on the news.

The final result was that The Scarecrow or Jonathan Crane escaped from the police. The police suffered a large number of casualties in this operation. In addition, Gordon inhaled fear gas and showed symptoms such as insanity. He is now receiving treatment at the nearest Arkham Asylum.

After hearing the news, Rachel immediately drove to Arkham Asylum.

Arkham Asylum has been sealed off, and outsiders are not allowed to enter freely, but Rachel is the assistant attorney in charge of the case and has known Gordon and John for a long time, so she was allowed to be in.

"Rachel, why are you here?"

When Rachel walked into Arkham Asylum before she had time to adapt to the situation scene left by the battle everywhere, a female voice appeared behind her.

Rachel looked back and saw a young girl in a white T-shirt walking towards her. The girl had white skin, a protruding figure, and two ponytails.

"Sister!" Rachel shouted with a smile after seeing the girl.

This girl is none other than Rachel's former college mate, Harleen Quinzel.

"Hey Rachel, why did you come to Arkham Asylum?" Harleen Quinzel, a criminal psychology consultant at Arkham Asylum, walked to Rachel's side and stretched out her arms on Rachel's shoulder.

At the same time, her white palms pinched Rachel's body a few times, and she said, "You've grown up."

"I heard that Gordon inhaled the fear gas. How is he doing now? I'm in charge of this case..." Rachel simply asked about the situation.

Harleen squeezed her chin solemnly, and said, "I know, the fear gas studied by Crane is very different. But nothing can be too different to eaten alive to death, eh?"

"Come on, it's not the time for such jokes." Rachel can't stand her sometimes.

Originally, this senior was quite normal. Ever since she began to specialize in criminal psychology, Harleen began to study the mental state and psychological world of various heinous criminals. Since then, Harleen has become somewhat abnormal.

"But what I said is the truth!"

Harleen was glared at by Rachel, and she immediately looked aggrieved, and said, "At present, there is no antidote for this fear gas, and the toxin samples have been sent to the cutting-edge laboratory to study the antidote. But the experts in the laboratory said that it would take at least ten hours to develop the antidote, but considering Gordon's physical condition, if there is no antidote within two hours, his body organs will be severely damaged, and by then he'll be dead."

After hearing Harleen's words, Rachel's eyes dimmed. In Rachel's eyes, Gordon is undoubtedly a respectable person. He dedicated his life to Gotham City and really shouldn't end in this way.

"Rachel, Gordon will not die. Can you get me a blood sample of Gordon? Maybe I can find a way to find an antidote."

Rorschach suddenly appeared next to Rachel, Rachel had long been used to it, but Rorschach's appearance surprised Harleen.

"Where did you come from? you surprised me to death..."

Harleen patted her chest with her hands, and looked like she was so frightened that she was 'thumping'. She looked seriously at Rorschach who suddenly appeared, and asked, "Also, who are you?"

Before Rorschach took the initiative to answer, Rachel answered first, "He is my friend, Rorschach."

"Boyfriend, eh?" Harleen's eyes suddenly became ambiguous, her eyes focused on Rachel, and she clicked her tongue again.

"No wonder Rachel has grown up, it turned out that after I moved out of the house, you got a boyfriend."

Harleen is 100% sure that Rachel has definitely never had a date before.

Rachel really couldn't stand Harleen's attitude. Since Rorschach said there was a way to find the antidote, Rachel would not doubt it. She told Rorschach to wait here for a while and then went to Gordon to get a blood sample from him.

After Rachel left, Harleen folded her hands on her chest and looked at Rorschach carefully, as if looking at a handicraft. Rorschach is also looking at Harleen.

Although Harleen has not yet become the famous Harley Quinn at this time, Rorschach can clearly feel that her mental state of her is a problem. Only time will tell when she'll become Harley Quinn.

The two were silent for a while, and Harleen spoke first. She opened her mouth wide, made a gesture of licking her lips with her tongue, looked at Rorschach, and asked, "Does Rachel know that you are a dangerous person?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about, Miss Quinzel."

Harleen looked like she had seen through him, and continued, "I am a first-class expert in criminology, and my intuition tells me that you are a very dangerous person because I can feel that there is something in you. This kind of breath only exists in inhuman murderers and criminals against humanity."

"You are wrong, Miss Quinzel. Your judgment is incorrect." Rorschach said with a smile.

Harleen heard Rorschach say that she had a wrong prediction, and she immediately became interested. She moved closer to Rorschach and asked, "Tell me, what kind of mistake did I make?"

"Because I'm a God."


"That's right, a God." Rorschach looked at Harleen, who was very close to him.

He took a step forward and explained, "True gods don't care about the lives of mortals. For gods, killing one or a group of mortals is no different from trampling a few ants to death."

Harleen seemed to be very interested in what Rorschach said. She pressed against Rorschach's chest, twisted her body, her eyes were full of curiosity, and asked, "What about you, are you a god? or a murderer? Or, are you a killer who claims to be a god and has a god complex?"