Chapter 245 "New Energy"

Central City, STAR Labs.

This laboratory in the United States has now been acquired by the Wayne Group, and all debts have been paid off. After Bruce bought the STAR Labs, he handed it over to Rorschach. Now Rorschach is the head of STAR Labs.

Because Reverse Flash is dead, and Barry has been struck by the Speed ​​Force lightning. The experiment about it has lost its original meaning and was urgently stopped by Rorschach. Rorschach took over STAR Labs and conducted a screening and reorganization of some internal personnel.

Some of the researchers who were loyal to the fake Harrison Wells chose to leave, including Caitlin and Cisco Ramon. These two should not gain superpowers, and will not become Killer Frost and Vibe.

Judging from the performance of the two, it is better for them not to acquire any superpower. People in America will feel that superpowers are a curse and a burden.

However, Rorschach will certainly not let the core members of the Flash Team leave in the future. These two are relatively smart researchers, and their talents in scientific research far exceed other scientists in the world. Rorschach has no reason to give up such good employees.

After a heart-to-heart talk and the temptation of adding money, Caitlin and Cisco finally decided to stay and work for Rorschach.

"Cisco, prepare to activate the device on three, two, one." Rorschach improved the device made by Reverse Flash and used it to create new elements.

After seeing Rorschach's Arc Reactor, Cisco seemed so excited that he almost screamed in excitement on the spot.

It's just a simple hand-made version of the Arc Reactor, which directly makes Cisco admire Rorschach. For Rorschach's plan to create new elements, Cisco is the main person in charge.

Hearing Rorschach's order, Cisco finally excitedly pressed the launch button in the control room. The next second, the situation inside the laboratory was broadcast live on the TV screen on the wall of the control room.

In Rorschach's modified version of the particle accelerator laboratory, a faint blue beam of light passed through a long acceleration tube and directly hit a large piece of silver-white metal.

The particles turned into a new element that emits blue energy. This new element is one cubic meter in size, much larger than the one produced by Tony Stark, and the total amount of energy it outputs will naturally be much larger.

After making the new element, Rorschach picked it up and quickly installed it in the center of the STAR Labs.

A new element the size of one cubic meter entered the Arc Reactor. A faint blue energy entwined around the device from the inside out. Even if you look at it through the screen, Cisco could feel the energy contained in the Arc Reactor.

Diana, Bruce, and Caitlin were also watching this scene.

Cisco shouted excitedly, "My God, I really can't believe it. You have made history. According to the data detected by the system, if the Arc Reactor replaces the traditional electric energy. It can supply the electricity of the entire central city for a year even if it's only used for one hour!"

Caitlin looked at the screen, with a faint blue light reflected on her face, "The most important point is that the new elements are completely clean and environmentally friendly. Which will directly solve the energy crisis on Earth, and open up a new path for the future. Rorschach, you will surely win the Nobel Prize."

The two scientists of the former STAR Labs praised Rorschach, and Diana couldn't help showing a smug smile on her face.

"Cisco, the Arc Reactor is operating normally. You can try to change the energy input of the laboratory with the Arc Reactor."

On the TV screen, Rorschach's voice can be heard. Hearing Rorschach's instructions, Cisco couldn't wait to control the computer and began to transfer the energy.

"I have been waiting for your words for a long time. When the energy is converted, all the equipment in the laboratory will restart. But I have notified other departments in advance. Now, I'm preparing to transfer the energy."

The laboratory system began to shut down one after another once Cisco made the adjustment. The energy was automatically converted successfully, and it was connected to the Arc Reactor. After waiting for about a minute, the laboratory system restarted.

"It's a success!"

Cisco checked all the departments of the laboratory and confirmed that there was no error after the energy conversion. He asked happily, "Boss, since our laboratory uses new energy. Can I turn on the air conditioner 24 hours a day?"

Bruce will look back at Cisco, "Dr. Wells didn't let you turn on the air conditioner before?"

When questioned by Bruce, Cisco immediately explained, "It's not Dr. Wells, it's the others. Of course, it was not restricted at the beginning, but you also know later that our laboratory was in debt. They would be mad at us if we used the AC too much."

"What close-minded people." Bruce shook his head.

Soon, Rorschach returned to the control room. Cisco excitedly discussed the matter of the Arc Reactor with Rorschach. Seeing that he was about to talk to Rorschach all night, Rorschach quickly arranged some tasks for him.

Cisco, not only did not complain but was full of energy knowing that he was given another task.

After sending Cisco and Caitlin away, Bruce had the opportunity to ask him, "Rorschach, when are you going to fulfill what you promised me earlier?"

Rorschach instantly understood, "I have seen the equipment of STAR Labs and I am not short of it right now. But I am short of some raw materials, I will make a list of materials for you. Then I'll help you build a batch of nanobots. Give or take it'll take three to five days."

"Nanobots?" Bruce looked at Rorschach suspiciously.

"Yes, what do you think is the main component of a nano suit? Of course, it is composed of nanobots that are almost invisible to the naked eye. After we get all of that, you are free to design however you want." Rorschach said.

Bruce thought for a while, "If it is composed of nanobots, will the strength be weaker than ordinary steel?"

"It depends on the spatial structure and thickness of the material. But don't worry, the strength is definitely not a problem. Coupled with the energy shield of the Arc Reactor, you could withstand any kind of damage." Rorschach said.

Bruce nodded satisfactorily, "Send me the list of the materials."

After he learned the advantages of nanotechnology, he no longer relied on his current equipment.

However, due to the current level of technology, Bruce knows that it is impossible to make a technological product that transcends the times by himself, so he can only pin his hopes on Rorschach.

It's like Apple just released the iPhone 13 this year, and a friend from the future tells you that he can make an iPhone 30 for you. Of course, the iPhone 13 is going to be outdated in comparison to that.