A Hopeful Sprite's Journey, Part Eleven


Vortell hobbled as she walked by Xhez's side. The sprite had healed her mother, but Vortell had spent so much time in the sun these past couple of days that she was exhausted.

Xhez kept one of her mother's arms thrown over her shoulders, trying to help as they returned to the pond where Saria was waiting for them.

She constantly searched the area, trying her hardest to make sure that the way was clear.

"I will be honest," Vortell suddenly said, her voice slightly raspy as she spoke, "when I saw you, for a moment, I felt as though my eyes may have been playing tricks on me."

"I felt the same way once I saw you up close," Xhez muttered in response. "What did they do to you?"

"Is it not obvious?" Vortell asked with a dry chuckle. Xhez refrained from looking at her wounds again. She wasn't sure she could handle the sight. "They took great pleasure in toying with me. However," she added, "they did not plan to kill me."

"What?" Xhez asked, looking into Vortell's eyes. Her mother kept them low, not willing to meet Xhez's gaze as she explained further.

"You did not notice?" Vortell asked.


"Look at my head, Xhez."

Vortell gave her that instruction and then lowered it so that Xhez could get a better look at whatever she was talking about.

She never would have expected what she ended up seeing. She never could have imagined that anyone would do such a thing.

The humans had either cut or torn some of her hair out.

The sheer suggestion of what it might have felt like sent shivers down Xhez's spine. Vortell let out a tired breath as Xhez just stared at her.

"I heard them speaking amongst themselves. While they hurt me. During... this, and afterward. They never intended to kill me. They were talking about keeping me with them. I do not know why they would do such a thing, but... It did not take long before I was wishing they would just end me already."

Unfortunately, Xhez did have some notion as to why they'd keep her. They likely meant to sell her hair to other humans and figured they could avoid going through the trouble of finding other sprites to hunt if they just kept her alive.

Of course, in the process of doing this, they'd have to inflict some of the worst pain that a sprite could possibly go through on Vortell. And, it was evident that they'd already gotten started on that.

"I am thankful that you saved me, child, but, I am confused. How did you find me?"

That question, thankfully, took Xhez out of the dangerous territory her thoughts were venturing into.

"Rin and I," she explained. "We had come back to our pond, to look for you. It had been some time, so, I wanted to visit. We found Saria and she let us know about what had happened."

The mention of Xhez's friend made Vortell raise a delicate, blue brow.

"That human?" She asked. "You are still traveling with her?"

Understandably, the mention of Xhez's usual company struck Vortell the wrong way, given what she'd just been through. Her daughter, however, took that opportunity to remind both her mother and herself of an important truth.

"Rin is not like other humans," Xhez muttered. "It was thanks to her that I was able to rescue you, mother.

"So, she is the one who caused that distraction? I see. I was unable to get a good look at her, from my angle. I... I am glad she assisted you."

"Not as glad as Saria will be," Xhez replied.

"Right... Saria. How was she when you saw her?" Vortell asked, then. "Was she alright?"

"She was fine. Worried sick about you, but fine otherwise."

"Ah..." Xhez could feel how relieved her mother was. The arm she had thrown Xhez's shoulders didn't feel quite as tense. Smiling, Vortell closed her eyes. "That... that is good. I had hoped my sacrifice would not be in vain."

"Thanks to Rin, it was no sacrifice at all," Xhez responded. "Just something terrible that happened. And," she gave her mother a bit of side-eye, "something I hope you two will take steps to prevent from happening again, please."

"Ah, when did you become so harsh?" Vortell asked with a smile. "Give me a break. I am hurting over here."

"... I am just grateful that fortune was on our side, in this matter."

"As am I. Do not worry, though. We will refrain from walking around during the day again," Vortell reassured her.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Xhez accepted that promise and hoped her mothers would stick to it. The kind of life Vortell would have been subjected to if Xhez and Rin hadn't come when they did, or the potential fate both her mothers could have suffered had their attackers been more powerful, Xhez didn't like the answers her mind was providing her with.

Some time passed. The two of them did not run into any threats, thankfully. Human or otherwise. Eventually, the sight of Saria up ahead took Xhez out of the dark thoughts she'd begun contemplating.

"My love!" Saria yelled out as soon as she found her lover being all but carried by Xhez. She ran straight into her, arms wide open in what could almost be called an attempt at a tackle.

Vortell returned her embrace, albeit not quite as firmly, thanks to her exhaustion.

"I was so worried..." Saria muttered with a choked-up voice.

"I am alright," Vortell announced. "Thanks to our daughter... and her friend, I am alright."

Indeed, the worst had been prevented today. Part of it was luck, of course. Another part of it was Rin's plan, which happened to work out. Maybe some of it could even be attributed to the blessings of greater beings, but whatever the cause may be, they were alright.

"Speaking of your friend, where is she?" Vortell then asked. "She drove away our attackers... will she be alright?"

"Yes," Xhez replied confidently. "I have the utmost faith in her... I... I will wait here, until she returns. For now, mother, please, get yourself some water."

"Understood," Vortell replied with a smile and nod. "And, again, Xhez, thank you."

"You are welcome."