Noble Ventures, Part Seven

Rin walked back to her friends with Xhez next to her.

Naturally, their eyes all fell on the shorter, more delicate-looking reflection of herself standing silently just a couple of feet away.

[There's a chance Sye might see through the illusion, but I'm not too worried about her reaction. If anyone else sees through her illusion, then, all that means is they're suspicious.]

"Hey, everyone," Rin greeted them. "Sorry, my sister had uhm... Gotten a little carsick, so she needed a little bit of time to compose herself before she could join us here."

Elisa gave her a slightly amused look but didn't say anything else. The men before them looked Xhez up and down before quickly deciding that the other four women there were far more interesting.

Of course, Sara, who was in the car with Rin and Elisa and knew damn well that Xhez hadn't been there, looked back and forth between Rin and her "sister" but she did not say anything, thankfully.

As Elisa pulled the men's attention back to her, Rin leaned in and whispered to Xhez:

"So, uhm, about that darkness you sensed earlier, the situation here is that there are probably some pretty evil people around here. Let me know if you, uh, detect anything."

"... Is it the same people as before?"

The venom in her words caught Rin off-guard.

She nodded slowly, confirming that for the sprite.


And, just like that, Xhez walked away.


The sprite began to move toward the other people there.

Showing not a single hint of concern, she began to cut a path through the area, her eyes moving from one person to another.

As much as she wanted to stop her from being so brazen, if she was to do so, she feared it would make more of a scene. So, instead, she caught up and walked along with her.

"Um, Xhez, we probably should-"

"The darkness here is odd," Xhez muttered. Her narrowed eyes continued analyzing each and every individual there with an incredible amount of focus. The construction workers, the nobles, the guards. Her gaze fell on them all, indiscriminately, in her search for an enemy. "I was wondering about something that this moment has confirmed for me."

"What do you mean?"

"Brine," Xhez said, turning toward Rin, finally. "I sensed his presence, but only because he was powerful. In terms of darkness... It was a mild presence at the most," she told the adventurer. "Why?"


"I was wondering if... Perhaps it has to do with intent." Xhez paced from one side to another. "I wonder if this ability I have to detect the light and darkness within others' Spirits is based on whether the person themselves believe what they are doing is right or not. As Brine seemed to truly believe he was doing the right thing."

She turned back toward the others there. Somehow, she began to look even angrier, glaring harder at everyone.

"If the reason the darkness here feels so dim is because the people I am hunting believe they are doing good things then... Well," she shook her head, "all it means is that they will die delusional."

Rin couldn't find anything to say to that. In the middle of that silence, Xhez reached for Rin's hand and squeezed it a little.

Up ahead, a minor explosion happened.

It wasn't particularly dangerous, but the groaning of the workers around it told the story before any of them even said a word.

"Crap. Another setback," one of them said quietly. Rin heard that, though. As did Xhez.

"What are they talking about?" Xhez asked Rin.

"Something happened to the train," Rin explained. "It was probably sabotaged," Rin said under her breath, trying not to be overheard. "Uh, that means people probably messed with its parts."

"Hm... I-"

"Triss, my dear, you got away from us in such a hurry!"

Rin and Xhez both turned toward the voice. Sye, Sara, and Elisa were all walking over, with the Mages Guild member being the one who called out just now.

Xhez gazed back at her, curiously.

[Huh? Is she seeing anything weird?]

"Ah, rather entertaining seeing these fine men at work, isn't it?" Elisa asked as everyone looked at them. "Carry on, boys. Carry on."

Sye leaned in, placing her right elbow atop Rin's left shoulder, and whispered:

"I take it this is the 'friend' you commissioned that illusion spell for a while back?"


"And I take it she cast it herself, didn't she? Essence is radiating off her. This girl," Sye turned toward Xhez, speaking loudly enough for her to hear, "she's quite the talent."

"Who are you?" Xhez asked.

Her eyes briefly fell on the shoulder Sye had placed on Rin and a pout appeared on her face. Sye just smiled down at her.

"Ah... Things are getting more and more entertaining for me by the second. Greetings my dear," she said, moving away from Rin and bowing before Xhez. "My name is Sye. I am a member of the Mages Guild. It is a pleasure to meet you. I understand it may have seemed like I was planning on taking your... sister away from you for a moment there, but don't worry, I don't plan on stepping too far over the line today. My attention may be needed elsewhere in the blink of an eye, after all."

"When do you think we can expect trouble to arise?" Elisa asked, walking up to them with her arms crossed and with Sara behind her.

"The night." She lowered her volume. "For now, our friend did have the right idea. We should just scope the situation out, but, please, do try to be more subtle. You're making everyone here, ehm, uncomfortable, if you will."

Rin watched as Xhez looked around. For the first time since she'd woken up, she calmed herself down a little.

"I will try," the sprite replied.

Rin shook her head, as she noticed the suspicious looks on everyone around them.

[Hm. It almost feels like the time before the fighting starts is gonna be more nerve-wracking than...]

Her thoughts came to a sudden halt as she noticed a car stopping just ahead of the derailed train up ahead.

A small group of people walked out of it before the car turned around and drove off. One of them caught Rin's attention.

It was someone she'd seen before.

"Yes, it makes sense that more adventurers would flock to this situation," Sye whispered as she noticed Rin's odd reaction. "I imagine there will be many more of them who show up. Triss?" She asked.


"... Do you know that girl?" Sye asked, referring to a young woman with leather armor and a green scarf around her neck.

"Yes," Rin finally answered, swallowing. "Her name's Miri. She knew my brother."