Rin, The Adventurer, Part Five

The air crackled with a mix of excitement and tension as Rin and her classmates gathered at Libera's northern gates.

The gates, usually a symbol of protection, now stood open, inviting them to venture into the unknown.

The students, clad in armor most of them had pieced together over the course of the last year with money from their missions, chatted nervously, their eyes betraying a blend of eagerness and uncertainty.

Rin approached Sara and Eve, who were engaged in a hushed conversation near a stack of supplies.

Sara silently kept her gaze fixed on the horizon, her thoughts concealed behind a veil of quiet contemplation.

Rin nudged her playfully with an elbow.

"Nervous much?"

Sara's response was a faint, almost imperceptible smile.

She nodded, acknowledging the shared anticipation even though she barely expressed it.

Eve chimed in.

"I'm not nervous. Just cautious. I mean, there could be Rank S monsters! We need to be ready for anything!" 

Rin nodded, appreciating the honesty.

She understood the gravity of the journey ahead. It wasn't just about proving their skills, it was about survival...

... And money.

"We've got each other's backs." Rin tried to reassure them. "We've trained for this, and Maria wouldn't lead us into something we can't handle."

As they spoke, Rin couldn't help but sneak a glance at the water bag strapped to her side.

Xhez rested within, knowing there was a chance the next time she awoke would be in the middle of a fight, as usual. 

[Hopefully, we can just see some sights in the nighttime or something.] 

Their conversation was interrupted by Maria's commanding voice who stood at the front, addressing the assembled group.

"Listen up, everyone! We're embarking on a crucial mission. Realistically, this could be the first step toward reconnecting Cardana to the rest of the world. But be warned, the journey won't be easy. We'll face formidable creatures and unforeseen challenges. Stay vigilant, trust your training, and, most importantly, watch out for one another."

The students nodded solemnly, their initial excitement now laced with a newfound sense of responsibility. Maria's gaze shifted to Rin.

Slightly more quietly, she said:

"Rin has taken on the most work out of all of you, so she'll be acting as the student leader if a situation should happen where Cara and I can't help. Okay? Make sure to listen." 

Alea and Seth didn't look particularly happy to hear that, but the rest of the class seemed fine with it.

With Maria's words echoing in their minds, the group waited. 

This period came to a quick end as it was interrupted by the distant rumble of engines, heralding the arrival of the construction company that they'd be protecting.

As the noise drew nearer, a convoy of sturdy vehicles emerged, each vehicle adorned with the insignia of the Liberan construction company.

At the forefront was a sleek black car, and at its helm sat the businessman, Benjamin Harlan, who had extended the initial offer, an imposing figure with an air of authority that seemed to command respect.

The group of fighters, led by Maria, paused as the vehicles came to a stop.

Harlan stepped out, his polished shoes crunching on the gravel beneath. He wore a tailored suit that seemed out of place given the rough wilderness they'd soon be traversing, and his sharp gaze swept over the assembled group.

"Good day, everyone!" he called out, his voice projecting with practiced confidence. "In case you've forgotten, I am Benjamin Harlan, and I represent the Liberan construction company. Today marks the beginning of a venture that will reshape the very foundations of this land. You are the chosen few fit for it. Consider yourselves the vanguard of progress."

[I mean, let's be real, we were chosen because we were cheap. But, yeah, whatever,] Rin acknowledged with a smirk. 

Still, the weight of responsibility pressed upon her shoulders, and she exchanged a glance with Sara and Eve, sensing their shared unease.

Harlan continued.

"The path we build together will connect nations, foster prosperity, and ensure safety for generations to come. But make no mistake, the journey will be perilous. There are dangers lurking in the wilderness, challenges that will test your mettle. That's why I've spared no expense in ensuring your success."

As Harlan spoke, a team of workers began unloading supplies from the vehicles. Tools, construction materials, and provisions for the journey. Rin observed the activity, her mind racing with a mix of anticipation and anxiety.

Maria stepped forward, her expression stern yet resolute.

"We're ready, Harlan. Lead the way."

Harlan inclined his head, a subtle smirk on his lips.

"Excellent. Our path to Cardana awaits." He gestured toward the convoy, signaling for everyone to embark.

The students fell into formation, their nervous energy palpable. Rin exchanged a final glance with Sara and Eve, a silent reassurance passing between them. As they approached the sleek black car, Jim Thorton, the construction company's manager, opened the door, inviting Maria to join Harlan.

Rin hesitated, her instincts tingling with a sense of caution. She glanced at Cara, who shared her unease. Harlan's charismatic demeanor felt a little too polished. 

Nonetheless, Maria, the seasoned and respected fighter, entered the car with a nod to the group.

"Stay vigilant," she whispered, her eyes meeting Rin's with a depth of understanding.

As the car door closed, the convoy set into motion, engines humming in unison. Rin couldn't shake the feeling that the journey ahead held more than just construction challenges. 



Elisa sat alone in her dimly lit room, the soft glow of a single lamp illuminating her serious expression.

A scattered array of documents and maps lay across her bed, evidence of her meticulous investigation into the Liberan construction company and the enigmatic businessman, Benjamin Harlan. The air in the room was thick with the scent of aged parchment and the faint whiff of uncertainty.

Rin's request to do a bit of research on the people who'd proposed the mission had sparked Elisa's curiosity.

There was something off about this mission, a subtle undercurrent that nagged at the edges of her intuition. She leaned forward, studying the papers before her, seeking any clue that might reveal the true nature of the expedition.

With a focused gaze, Elisa delved into the details of the construction company's history. Names, dates, and financial records blurred together as she tried to piece together the puzzle. 

[... I can see why she asked me to do this, though. Something is definitely weird about all this. I don't think it's Scorned-related, though. It might be something else.]