Rin, The Adventurer, Part Fourteen


As Alea walked alongside the cars, her eyes scanning the dense trees that bordered the road, she couldn't shake the feeling of nervousness that gripped her.

Being on the lookout for enemies was nothing new for her, but today felt different. The shadows' looming presence was enough to send shivers up her spine. 

[There's no indication they only attack at night. I must be cautious.] 

Lost in her thoughts, Alea didn't notice Maria approaching until the teacher was right beside her.

Startled, Alea glanced up, her cheeks flushing slightly at Maria's presence.


"How are you doing, Alea?" Maria's voice was gentle, her eyes warm with concern.

"I-I'm okay," Alea stammered, her heart racing at the proximity of the teacher she admired. "Just keeping an eye out for any trouble."

Maria smiled encouragingly, placing a reassuring hand on Alea's shoulder.

"I just wanted to tell you that you did a very good job last night. You're quick on your feet. That's an essential quality to have to keep us all safe."

The words of praise sent a wave of warmth through Alea, and she couldn't help but smile in response.

Maria's approval meant the world to her. Ever since she joined the academy, she'd been determined to live up to the teacher's expectations.

"Thank you, Maria," Alea replied, her voice filled with gratitude. "I'll keep doing my best." 

With a nod of encouragement, Maria continued on her way, leaving Alea to her thoughts once more.

As she watched the teacher's retreating figure, Alea couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration and respect wash over her.

Maria was more than just a teacher. She was a symbol of strength and courage, someone Alea had looked up to for years.

Lost in reverie, Alea's gaze drifted across the road, where Rin was walking alongside the other adventurers.

The sight of Rin brought a pang of curiosity to Alea's heart.

[... Seriously, what does Maria see in her?] 

Rin was skilled, no doubt, but there was something else about her, something that Alea couldn't quite put her finger on.

Alea trusted Maria's judgment implicitly, and if Maria saw potential in Rin, then there had to have been a good reason for it. She understood that. 

But she couldn't see it. 

[I mean, I guess she can punch stuff well, but is that all? She has no drive, no ambition. Me, I'm trying to make it to the top of the social hierarchy. I'm trying to use this to develop generational wealth. I'm trying to set up my family for life! Her? She...] 

Alea rolled her eyes. 

[She just spends all her time flirting with people. It's annoying.] 

Taking her mind off that, Alea continued to focus on their surroundings. 

As the convoy of cars rumbled along the forested path, Alea couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over her like a heavy shroud.

The air seemed charged with tension, and she could sense the subtle vibrations of Essence pulsating all around them.

Her attention flickered to Rin, who was engaged in conversation with Xhez.

Though she couldn't make out their words over the rumble of the engines and the rustle of the trees, Alea's instincts told her that something was amiss.

Suddenly, Alea's heart leaped into her throat as she turned to see shadows materializing out of the darkness, coalescing into grotesque, undead forms that seemed to defy the laws of nature.


Without hesitation, the guards and adventurers sprang into action, drawing their weapons and preparing to face the encroaching threat.

Alea felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins as she joined their ranks, her mind racing with thoughts of how best to defend herself and her comrades.

As the shades closed in, Alea found herself fighting alongside Carla and John, while the rest of her classmates remained on the opposite side of the road.

[Lisa's still out of commission. I'll have to fill her shoes, in addition to providing combative support.] 

With a steely resolve, Alea positioned herself alongside John and Carla, their trio forming a formidable front line against the encroaching horde. Together, they moved with fluidity and coordination, their movements synchronized as they worked in tandem to fend off the advancing shades.

John wielded his sword and magic with practiced skill, striking out at the shadows with precise, calculated blows in between launching spheres of flame. Beside him, Carla's daggers found every shade she aimed them at, bouncing from one to the next with deadly accuracy. 

"Nice shot, John!" Carla called out, a grin spreading across her face as she parried a shade's attack with a deft twist of her blade. "You've been practicing, haven't you?"

John laughed, his eyes alight with determination as he unleashed another volley of magical projectiles.

"You know me, always been one to impress" he replied, his voice filled with a mixture of determination and playful bravado.

Beside them, Alea fought with a fierce determination, her focus unwavering as she summoned protective barriers and bolstered her allies with healing magic whenever the need arose.

Despite her initial doubts, she found herself falling into a rhythm with her comrades, each movement flowing seamlessly into the next as they worked together to repel the shades' relentless assault.

But then, disaster struck.

A shade lunged at them with unnatural speed, its jagged claws slashing through the air with deadly precision. In a panic, Alea attempted to conjure a protective barrier, her fingers tracing the intricate patterns of a spellsign in the air.

But, she was too slow. 

The shade's claws found their mark, piercing through Carla's back. 

She let out a cry. 

Alea froze. 

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Alea watched in horror, helpless to intervene as her classmate fell to the ground, a look of shock and pain etched upon her face.

[... What?] 

"Carla!" John cried out, instantly running up to her side. 

Alea's eyes remained fixed on her body. 

The shade had cut straight through her spine. 

It looked as though Carla died instantly. 


Amidst the chaos, Xhez's voice rang out once more, just like it had the night before, resonating with power and authority as she unleashed a wave of sonic magic that dispersed the remaining shades in an instant. But the damage had already been done.

Carla was gone.

Alea dropped to her knees as she stared down at Carla's lifeless form, while John held her. 

It didn't feel real.