Her Money Is Gone

"I can assure you that it was just a technical error," Mr. Jones assured the crowd of investors that had gathered at his office just like Zoe. It was comforting to know that she wasn't the only one affected. She almost had a heart attack thinking that her money was lost forever.

Mr. Jones continued, "Just as many of you have upgraded your VIP packages, we decided to upgrade our system to ensure a smooth operation in the app and meet up your expectations as well. We've dealt with many bugs and glitches in the system and your profits will be sent directly to your banks tomorrow morning!"

So that was the case, a system upgrade? Zoe was able to calm her racing heart that had been ready to jump out of her chest on her way here. All she had to do now was to wait till tomorrow and her money would come in. Zoe already started mentally calculating her profits and how to use her money wisely. One thing was for sure, her situation is about to change for the better.

"Also, if you haven't upgraded your VIP plans, I suggest you do so now. With the app upgrade comes more promising bonus and those are only eligible for the recently upgraded VIP plans!" Mr. Jones announced and looking around, Zoe could already see them considering the idea of upgrading.

Honestly, Zoe couldn't help but find this move suspicious. It was almost as if Mr. Jones was prying on their fear - and greed. Why was he so intent on convincing them to upgrade? No, she was probably thinking too much, Chloe shook the thought to the back of her head. Mr. Jones was a businessman and probably wanted more income.

Done with the announcement, Mr. Jones went around to discuss with the people present and convince them there was nothing to fear; their money was in safe hands. Seeing that there was nothing to do except wait till tomorrow, Zoe was about to leave when she heard her name being called.

"Miss. Zoe!"

It was Mr. Jones, she could recognize the voice even in her sleep. Hence, she turned to face with a bright expression

"Hi, Mr. Jones." She waved at him.

"Hi Zoe," He said, "And I'm sorry for making you come to the office. You must have been concerned about your money?"

"Of course not!" Zoe laughed off the idea that he suspected he had run off with her money. It sounded more serious in the open than when she thought about it.

"I was more concerned about you." She lied through her teeth.

"Me?" Mr. Jones was taken aback by the comment.

Zoe pressed her hand to her chest and feigned concern, "It must be so much hassle dealing with so many demanding people," She hinted at the investors.

"Oh," Mr. Jones said when he got her hint. He scratched the back of his hand, chuckling nervously as he said, "I thought for a moment there that you were concerned about me, you know."

"Huh?" Zoe blinked up at him in confusion, but then, she was finally able to connect the dots and loud laughter slipped from her lips, drawing attention.

She never meant to laugh out loud but the thought that Mr. Jones was interested in her, was simply so hilarious. It was not possible, nor was she interested in dating at the moment. Her life was currently a mess.

Sadly, her laughter embarrassed Mr. Jones, who had no choice but to laugh alongside her when people began staring at him with questions in their gazes.

Both of them laughed for a while until it gurgled to a halt and all eyes were on them. An awkward silence descended on them and Zoe said quickly,

"I should probably take my leave."

"Yeah, you should," Mr. Jones concurred with a nod of his head as a blush crept up his face. That was so embarrassing.

Without a word, Zoe left the office as quickly as her feet could take her. She released the breath that she had been holding in only after she made it outside. That was the most awkward moment that she had ever had since returning here.

But then, is Mr. Jones really interested in her? Zoe tilted her head to the side unsure and lost in her thoughts. It simply didn't make sense. There were other beautiful and richer women amongst the investors, why would he want her?

Well, interested in her or not, after that embarrassing scene in his office, Zoe doubted that Mr. Jones would ask her out anytime soon. Hence, she pushed the matter to the back of her mind and flagged down a taxi that took her to her neighborhood.

Taking a taxi ate into her reserve money and from now, she might have to take the bus to school. Or maybe she wouldn't even have to, after all her money would be coming in tomorrow. Obviously in a good mood, Zoe did a few shopping in the stores in her neighborhood and returned to her place only to bump into the landlady on her way.

Damn, talk about a mood spoiler.

"Landlady," Zoe acknowledged her presence with a tight smile. But then, the condescending look the woman gave her was enough reminder that she was owing rent.

"I hope you know that your week-long grace is almost up." She did not fail to remind her of their deal.

"Of course!" Zoe told her, "You don't have to worry about that, Landlady, I would be paying you very soon." She hoped that was enough to calm her.

"Whatever," The woman snorted as if she didn't believe her one bit and turned to leave.

The moment the woman had her back turned to her, Zoe made faces at her. If it were years ago when her family was still rich, the landlady would probably be nothing but an ant in her eyes. Sigh, this life was unfair.

After that distressing encounter, Zoe went in and made herself dinner. Done, she decided to video call her brother before she went to bed.

"Hello, Zoe," Her younger brother waved at the screen of her laptop when the call connected and her face split into a huge smile.

"Hello, Jeremy. How are you doing?" She inquired about his health.

"Mother says I'm a good boy because I have been taking my drugs lately." He looked proud of his achievement.

Her brother hated most of the drugs because it was bitter. Unfortunately, the sugar-coated drugs that masked the unsavory taste of the drug that he found unpalatable were more expensive and they could not afford it daily.

"That's nice, you're a good boy," Zoe complimented him. She felt so sorry for his situation, if only there was something that she could do. She hated this.

Almost immediately, the screen shook and Zoe heard her mother's voice in the background.

"Is that your sister?"


The next she knew, two faces were staring down at her.

"Hi, mom."

"Hi, Zoe." The woman said before turning to her brother, saying, "Isn't it time for you to do your homework." The woman indirectly chased the boy until it was her and her daughter.

"How are you doing, Zoe." the woman asked, her inquisitive gaze scanning her as if she could evidence of her not living fine.

"I'm well, mother."

"It must not be easy going back there," She hinted at the fact that the place held memories of when their life had been better. "Have you gone back to our old neighborhood?"

"No," Zoe lied.

She had gone back to the neighborhood but it was not for the sake of reminiscing, but rather to mislead her fellow teachers that had been following her that day to confirm if she really was a rich heiress.

"Look, Zoe, if you need anything -"

"Mom, I'm so sleepy," Zoe yawned loudly, cutting her off on purpose, "I'll see you later, I guess." She ended the call before the woman could say another word.

It was embarrassing enough that her family was poor and now her mother wanted to lend money to her? Her pride would not let that happen. She was supposed to be the one providing for her family instead.

Pushing the laptop to the side, Zoe laid back down on her bed and stared at the roof as if it held the answers to her problems. Fine, tomorrow will be a better day. She would get her money and send some to her brother to get better medicine and the rest would be used for her business and support her teaching Job. That night, Zoe slept with a smile on her face.

Everything will be alright or so she thought because the next morning, she was woken by the incessant ringing of her phone. With sleepy eyes, Zoe picked up the phone and pressed it to her ears, saying muffledly, "Hello?"

All it took was a minute for Zoe to sit up straight and she ended the call. With her heart pounding in her chest, she quickly logged into the app, but it kept on loading forever, and even when it did open, the homepage was not found.

Zoe didn't need to guess, her instinct told her everything, but she refused to acknowledge it. There was no way her money was lost just like that. This must be a prank or something, she concluded.

All Zoe did was wash her face and rinse her mouth with water because there was no time to waste before she set out to Mr. Jone's office. Throughout the whole ride, Zoe was anxious and was close to a panic attack. She can't just lose money like that! She can't or else her life is over. It's impossible.

The call had come in from one of the members who she doesn't even socialize with nor does she know her name. Apparently, she was passing the information around. Mr. Jones took off with their money! He was a scammer!

Zoe heard the cries and woes of the victims even before she arrived at the office. Hence when she came in, she stopped short, shock running through her body when she saw the chaos. Mr. Jones' office was a mess as the victims rummage through his things to see if they can get a hint of where their money was taken or hidden. But there was nothing, just stacks of papers.

That was when reality sank on Zoe. Mr. Jones was gone. Her money was gone. All of it. Her legs became weak like jelly and gave out. Zoe sank to the ground in despair. It was impossible! Several thoughts ran through her head.

She even thought Mr. Jones was interested in her, why would he do this to her? Was it a revenge prank or something for not accepting his feelings?

If she had gone on a date with him last night, would he have opened up about his plans to her and things would have gone differently? A lot of useless thoughts went through her head.

But then, the reality was the same.

Her money was gone.