It Was A Mistake

Gabriel Alistair woke up with a name in mind, Zoe Clark! 

"Oh fuck!" He cursed when he realized the house was oddly silent. Jackson should be awake already, he thought but there was nothing but silence. What if Jackson slept off and Zoe somehow escaped without any of them noticing, he couldn't help but wonder. 

At this point, Gabriel couldn't even tell what he was more concerned about, his cell phone getting missing or Zoe leaving. Nonetheless, both were important! If Zoe ran away again, how was he going to find the phone? 

Hence, Gabriel hurried downstairs and without even bothering to knock on the door, barged into the room, already imagining the worst. However, his eyes nearly bulged out of his eye socket when he saw Zoe pulling her shirt over her head, her back turned to him. But she must have heard the noise because she in time turned to catch him staring at her. 

He was mesmerized.