She Doesn't Deserve His Pity

"Pawn shop closed till further notice!" 

Dear God, you have got to be kidding her, Zoe felt all the blood drain from her face. Oh no, this can't be happening, not now! Why this very moment?! What would Gabriel think of her now? That she was lying? 

And speaking of Gabriel, Zoe slowly lifted her gaze to see that his eyes had turned red and he strode in her direction. Dear God, he was going to kill her! What was she going to do? Zoe panicked inwardly. 

She took steps back the closer Gabriel got to her, but she could never outrun his longer legs and soon he was in her space and her eyes grew to the sizer saucers. He was going to hit her! But then, Gabriel didn't hit her, rather he grabbed her by the shirt and hitched her forward till she was right in his face.