
"What's the plan now?" Zoe surprised Gabriel when she asked that question. He turned, his brow lifted in response, stunned that she was finally speaking to him. She always choose silence whenever he was around her. 

But the truth is that Zoe felt a lot more comfortable with him than the previous times now that she was finally able to prove her honesty to him. Although that one move doesn't change Gabriel's perception of her, she was able to win an atom of his trust and that was something. 

"We are going back to the pawnshop. We should be able to find out from his neighbors what happened and see if they can put us in contact with the pawn shop owner." He said. 

"That's nice," Zoe said and had to put on a smile on her face even though she wasn't close to being happy. If they found the pawn shop owner, that meant Gabriel would get his phone and she was leaving come tomorrow morning. 

What a stupid wish.