All Hail The Mighty Gabriel

Gabriel told himself it wasn't jealousy that prompted his actions but rather he was annoyed by their slow walks and talking. So he broke into their middle, snatched the cart from Zoe, and began to toss every item that he could get his hands on into it. 

He was hungry and it was getting darker. There was no way in hell he was waiting for them to finish chattering like two high-school friends who recently met each other and wanted to catch up on life. 

So Gabriel took charge without looking at the price tag while Zoe and Jackson stared at him, dumbfounded. What was going on with the boss? It was confusing. As if that was not enough, Gabriel returned to them with a cart full of items they needed - and did not need. 

"Is this enough to stock the fridge?" He asked Zoe to be precise. 

Dumbfounded by the heap of foodstuffs in the cart, Zoe could not answer on time and Gabriel took that as a no. 

"I guess not."