Be As Good As Strangers

Zoe was stunned, having no clue which one was more shocking. The fact that he just started a conversation barely minutes after vehemently stating talking over a meal was a bad habit or the news of them planning to go to a club. 

Her throat constricted, and she was taken aback by the announcement, "C-club?" 

Why a club? What were they planning to do in a club? 

You fool, what do you think men do in a club? Read a Bible and shout hallelujah? Her sarcastic inner mind sassed as usual. 

Zoe knew that it wasn't her business to care what they did in their spare time, but the fact that Gabriel would be dragging her innocent Jackson along annoyed her - he hardly goes anywhere without bringing him alone. It was Jackson's job to keep him safe.

Gabriel's gaze was on her all the while, waiting for her reaction. If she begged him not to go, then he might consider …. Seriously, what nonsense was he thinking now?