The Space Between Them Was A Good Thing

Even after several lessons that day, Zoe was still pissed off and that was evidenced when she returned to the staff room, slapping the books down on her desk hard. She didn't mean to draw attention, however, the noise caused the available teachers to look in her direction and she stared back, before settling down in her seat with a sigh. 

Zoe massaged her temples with both hands. She never thought that she would say this, but like her students, she loathed Mondays as well. 

"You look troubled," Someone said by her side, startling her. 

Zoe glanced up only to discover that it was Teacher Olivia. She was the same woman who asked if she was okay the day she had been duped and thinking about it, the young woman seemed to be concerned about her. Zoe just couldn't tell if she was sincere or was in for the gossip like the other teachers.