Gabriel Was Gay

"Hi, Zoe!" Miss Information popped out of nowhere, startling Zoe just as she was in the middle of packing her stuff. It was a few minutes to dismissal and she wanted to be out of here before the others. 

Most of the teachers usually frolic during this hour, however since Zoe hardly socializes with them, there was no use staying behind and listening to their gossip and noises. Moreover, it was usually a rush with students being in a competitive spirit over whom was going to leave the school gate first. She wanted to be out before the rush. 

Moreover, she didn't want to be seen by anyone considering the neighborhood she claimed to live in was not the same route as Gabriel's home. Hence, it was quite a bother seeing Miss Information by her side once again and since when did they begin to refer to each other on a first-name basis? She didn't want a such close relationship with her. 

"Teacher Grace," She said, putting on her signature fake smile again.