She Was Doomed

Zoe made sure her room was locked properly when she got inside, she was not ready to deal with Gabriel right now. Her head was still reeling from what she saw. 

But then even while the evidence was there, her heart didn't believe that Gabriel was into men. She could still remember the heated look in his eyes when they slipped and fell in the bathroom. Only a man interested in women would look at her that way. Or perhaps, he was interested in both. 

"Ugh, whatever!" Zoe pushed the thoughts out of her mind. It was none of her business whether he liked men or women. How was it her business? 

She then went into the bathroom to wash up the sweat and stress of the day. Amid her fear of getting identified as the woman in the video, it seems she had been worrying over nothing. Had she known this would happen, she would have never dyed her hair in the first place, nor put Gabriel through the trouble of helping with the color removal.