Crushing On His Teacher

Classes that day went faster than Monday and Zoe found out that Maggie was not in class again. If the girl was really sick as her mother claimed, she needed to go visit her. She had to make arrangements as soon as possible, probably tomorrow or the next. 

"I spot the hills 

With yellow balls in autumn. 

I light the prairie cornfields 

Orange and tawny gold clusters 

And I am called pumpkins…." 

Samuel's voice drifted across the room as he read the poem. When Zoe had asked for one of the students to read the poem out loud, none of them raised their hand except him and she knew why. Zoe had the habit of first asking whoever read out the poem a question. So none of them wanted to be a scapegoat. 

She believed that would make the student alert, thereby the students concentrate and have an in-depth understanding of the poem. That way the student doesn't just read the poem, he or she feels it and thereby affecting the mood of the listeners.