Your Secret Is Safe With Me

"You seem to be in a better mood than earlier," Olivia pointed out as they ate their food. 

"Well, I got paid." Zoe let out the words before she could stop them. 

"W-what…..?" Olivia blinked at her just before she broke into a grin saying, "Money does have that kind of healing power, right?" 

Zoe burst into laughter and she followed after her too. While others would find it strange that she was elevated about payment - considering she was from a rich family - Olivia didn't seem to mind at all. 

"Yes, there's nothing as exciting as receiving your hard-earned money." Zoe chuckled, hoping to use the excuse to cover up her tracks. 

"Yes, it does have that satisfying effect." Olivia nodded her head in agreement. 

Zoe remembered something. 

"It's kind of strange but I don't see the school Shrink around anymore. What happened?" She did not have anybody else to ask.