Bad Influence

At first, it had been a harmless hug, however, in no time, Zoe became quite aware of his strong and harder ones and of course Gabriel, of her soft delicious body pressed to his. As if the both of them sensed they were perilously close to crossing the line, they simultaneously jerked away from each other. 

At first, they stared at each other before Zoe entered a gurgle of laughter, and in no time he followed suit. In no time, it was the both of them laughing at God knows what was funny. But that was until Gabriel jovially asked, 

"What kept you home late?" 

"Oh, about that, I made a new friend today," 

"You did what?" There was already suspicion in Gabriel's eyes. While he knew Zoe was not gullible, he couldn't help but wonder if that friend was a female or male. 

"And now, I remember, I got something for you as well," Zoe announced excitedly. Since they were good now, she could give them to him now.