All Hell Broke Loose

He just went out of character, Kelvin realized that too late. He just gave Alicia a reason to think that he was interested in her and which was contrary to the real Gabriel's plan. This was not over, Kelvin knew that from the deadly look, Luke gave him before leaving. He was going to suffer for this decision. But until then, he was going to enjoy this date. If he was going to suffer later for saying yes to a woman's request, he had to make this worth it. 

"Gosh, that guy is so scary. I don't even know why you keep him around," Alicia muttered carelessly, feeling she had the right to say whatever she wanted now he's shown interest in her. 

However, his warning gaze silenced her and she bit back the rest of the words, withdrawing her hand from his palm as well. While Kelvin didn't exactly like Luke, the man was also the reason he could navigate Gabriel's role easily. If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't even know what he was doing. He deserves that respect at least.