Object Of Fascination

Zoe was hiding something from him, Gabriel could tell as much when she suddenly became tongue-tied. Strange enough, he had an inkling it was going to be something interesting which was why he pressed for details. 

"There's what, Zoe." He inched closer. So close that he could breathe in that flowery scent that sent his mind into overdrive. Gabriel was tempted to run his hand into her silky hair and then bring a lock of it to his nose and inhale deeply. But then, doing that would only make him seem like a creep. And he was not a creep. He is the great Gabriel Alistair. 

"It's nothing." She said. Unfortunately, the blush crept up her cheeks which betrayed her words. Zoe was lying and he could see right into it. 

Something hit him. 

"Wait a minute…." There was a hint of a smile at the corner of his lips as he asked her, "You weren't having erotic imagination, were you?" 

 Zoe felt all the blood in her body rush to her face. Gabriel just found her out.