She Has To Be Careful

Unlike the previous day, Zoe was full of energy and had just stepped into the classroom only for confetti and ballrooms to go off and she nearly screamed in terror. What the -?! 


Zoe was startled when she saw the students beaming at her in excitement and staring at her expectedly. Did they plan this? As much as she was touched by their effort, the kids do have a lot of free time on their hands. 

One of the students stood out from the others and shouted, "Congratulations teacher Zoe for successfully clearing your name. You did well." 

Zoe's mouth fell open as she looked around and asked, "You guys did this?" 

"Of course!" Another student said, "We already knew firsthand that you would do well, so we prepared everything on time." 

Aww, so sweet, not that Zoe showed them that. She still had her expressionless face and one of them complained. 

"Teacher Zoe, give us an encouraging smile. Please?"