Meet Her Friend

Zoe was left speechless by the menacing look on Gabriel's face. He almost looked like he was going to track Olivia and end her life for kissing, no, nearly kissing her. It had been so long since she saw him angry because he had been treating her so well, and it scared her. 

The intensity of his gaze made her wish that there was an ejector seat that could shoot out of there. But that wasn't possible hence she tried to squirm away but Gabriel grabbed her arm and she stiffened. As if noticing that he was scaring her, his expression softened at once and he let out a breath, saying with regret, "I'm so sorry." 

Zoe blinked at him, honestly still scared, but stunned that a man like him would apologize to him. His humility was startling - and also heart-warming. If she could have a boyfriend like Gabriel, it would be the best thing that ever happened to her. But then they were leagues apart and she didn't dare dream such. It was impossible.