It Was Over For Her

Her mother worked hard for that money, that was the first thought that came to Maggie's mind. Her precious mother had labored to get that little sum and then the bitch comes out of nowhere to strip her of her hard work. Her mother did not deserve this! She deserves more! 

And thus something snapped inside of Maggie. Perhaps, it might have to do with their months of bullying and harassment but Maggie came unhinged and she stomped over to Vivain, ignoring the others. 

"Give it to me!" She demanded in a growl, her hands stretched out to receive the money from her. Her eyes were wild and her nostrils flared from the rage coursing through her veins. 

Watching her sudden outburst made Vivain raise a brow in surprise. She had not seen that coming. What has gotten into the girl today? She was usually compliant while they had fun with her. 

But while Vivian was smart, she was also haughty and couldn't stand the bitch standing up to her. She was a nobody?